In implementing this model in my school, I would use it to focus my attention on collaboration. I would develop a community where teachers talk, observe, and plan together. Teachers will be encouraged to develop improvement plans and use positive feedback. The staff is a key component to these models being effective. Teachers needs should be recognized and their ideas generally accepted. Staff must be supported and well trained. Finding ways to connect with one another within the school culture is essential as is enhancing staff participation by encouraging collaboration. Through my actions I will model this. I will be out in the halls and in the classrooms, connecting with the staff as well as the students. It will be important to make
Identifies skills, theories of change, program designs, partnerships, and ways of building schools where students achieve.
Many incarcerated persons have limited access to healthcare. Correctional facilities afford undergraduate nursing students an opportunity to deliver care to a diverse population with complex health issues that may not otherwise access the health care system.
In schools the governing structure is hierarchical, a teacher answers to a principal and a principal answers to a Superintendent and the Superintendent answers to the state. “The culture of compliance may promote a degree of managerial efficiency, but it does not enable the kind of intellectual inquiry and engagement required for authentic and sustainable improvement (Wagner, p. 68). Engagement is creating a culture where working together to address problems is a norm at every level in the organization (Wagner,2006). Engagement asks leaders to be open to discussion and for people to share their ideas and challenges that they have in their classroom or school (Wagner). Teachers must engage in dialogue with each other as well as the leadership. In these discussions there needs to be debate, input and goals needs to be defined. The teachers need to have a sense of personal
On a district level, there could have been more done to implement pro-inclusion and teacher collaboration. The district should have ensured that teachers had additional resources needed to promote positive teacher collaboration in the classroom. First, before any training sessions and collaboration had taken place, the school district should have provided information to teachers and staff of the reasons for implementing the co-teaching and pro-inclusion policy in the classroom. From the beginning, the district should have had the principal schedule staff meetings to provided information about the benefits of co-teaching and the main objective for the school implementing the pro-inclusion policy in the classroom. If the teachers are well-informed that co-teaching is essential in educating their students with disabilities by providing academic and social support, motivation and student achievement, it may have helped the teachers build trust and rapport when working together in the classroom. The focus of the teachers may have then shifted from being directed at each other to now working together and
It is always important that in a school setting teachers and administrators reach a common shared understanding about how to meet the instructional needs of their students. Once these main stakeholders reach a common agreement about the instructional needs of their students. Once an agreement has been reached the next step is the implementation process. In order to reach an agreement, the teachers and administrators must spend countless hours engaged in discussions, planning and working together. This time spent together forms unit, a special bond in which a community of stakeholders work together in a partnership to promote student academic achievement. This partnership lays the foundation for a Professional Learning Community.
My comprehensive collaboration project involved a school community meeting, involving people with various association to education. The meeting originated because of the first workshop poor parental involvement and lack of community communication, concerning date, time, topic, and activities. After this disappointing blow and only two district teachers spearheading the event and activities, a decision evolved, making team membership accessible to all affiliates of education. Meeting members were paraprofessionals, a master teacher, retired teacher who is now a community volunteer and a guardian of a grandchild attending school in the district. Within the room, including myself was a total of ninety-five years of education related experiences. It was important to promote shared decision-making by including people with different views and implementation styles. When planning the organization of group members, I kept in mind the ultimate goal of building trust, through professional participation in community events, thus embracing opportunities of personal interactions outside school community. Members were willing participants, who close ties, through daily interaction in neighboring community after school hours, therefore made their involvement planning parent events crucial for community team success.
In this paper I am going to present an theoretical school district, school, and a classroom as examples of
It encourages staffs to involve in the process of developing a shared vision which can help in decision making in relation to teaching learning in the school (Hord & Hord, 1997). likewise, before the academic session starts, all the teaching staff with the principal conduct meeting and set target for every activity of the year in line with the vision of the school. We conduct teacher parents meeting and School Management Board meeting for familiarization on our school mission and vision to student and staff for the betterment of the school. Consequently, my school is in implementation stage of this
Research Design: The study conducted used a hierarchical linear modeling (Y. Goddard, R. Goddard, & Tschannen, 2007, p. 877). The study was a group design that was conducted 2 months prior to when a mandatory state assessment would be taken by the students in which the results of this study were compared to that state assessment. In addition, teachers were presented with a paper questionnaire with questions regarding teacher collaboration during faculty meetings (Y. Goddard, R. Goddard, & Tschannen, 2007, p. 884-886). Some factors that were impacted this study was the different ways the
Significant collaboration, when collective with establishing well-defined, measurable objectives/ goals and frequently gathering and evaluating a wide assortment of contextualized qualitative and quantitative performance data/information establishes the foundation for outcomes. Schmoker (2010) stresses the significance of practices and principals that are easy, supported by research, as well as comparatively a small amount in number. Such leaders have huge but under-used capability. Educators can instantly offer a better education for every pupil by concentrating unwaveringly on enhanced outcomes and the circumstances that encourage them. In writing this paper, I will discuss what my your thoughts on the following
Our school utilizes the ILT process to implement consistent school-wide best practices to improve student achievement. As the ILT lead, it is crucial to work together with the grade level representatives to plan and provide the best education for the students. Collaboration does not happen naturally, and the Community Contributor indicators guided me to work together effectively. During the meetings, I used the Seven Norms of Collaboration to build group energy, commitment, and effectiveness. I contributed by sharing ideas and by soliciting input from others. During the meetings, I collaborated to create a public agenda, established roles and documented minutes to ensure productive meetings. Collaboration empowered the ILT members to determine the ILT goals and to discuss, plan and
Allowing student collaboration in the classroom introduces the students to a variety of skills that they will use when they become adults. It teaches the students the fundamental skills associated with working as a collective unit toward a common goal. It also teaches the students time management, resource allocation and communication skills (McQuerrey, 2018). While
Collaboration between teachers is a key component to professional development that will lead to higher student achievement. There is a need for schools to set up time for teachers to be able to collaborate together. This allows for teachers to help each other, matchup content, teach each other new and best practices, troubleshoot student issues just to name a few of the areas that collaboration time can help foster within a school. The key is to build time for teachers to be able to collaborate during the school day or week. This collaboration time needs to be between grade levels, departments, and cross curricular when needed. For many schools this is an afterthought to the school schedule or a fleeting thought after the master schedule is completed. A principal needs to keep an open mind to any strategy that will enable the teachers to be able to collaborate for the good of the students and the school.
In the school environment, it is always beneficial to build healthy relationships and have a good rapport with all personnel. To change belief, leaders have to build trust with the staff, parents, and students, which they can do through their words and deeds. In other words, executing a vision will be much more successful if everyone feels a part of the process and truly believe that their administrator has positive intentions; the priority must be is school improvement. For a shared vision to become established, it is the school’s duty to cultivate and develop that vision within the learning community. To accomplish this, all faculty member needs to develop a collaborative plan that clearly defines the goals and particular strategies to cause change. Decentralized schools are not only more acceptable but valuable too. Before any finalized decisions are made, discussions should begin with prompting all involved. This includes acknowledging what the priorities are, what the targeted results should be, and the groups of individuals the decision will positively affect. Creating visions will involve all members of the school community to continually review and
The most effective way I could make sure this happens is through flexibility. I completely understand that I will not be an expert in all areas of education while some teachers will be the expert and I will have to follow their action plan in order to do what is best for the district. While on the other hand, some teachers will need more direct support and I will need to accept the primary decision making responsibilities in order to determine what type of goal and action plan needs to implement into the teacher’s