
Importance And Importance Of Patient Rights

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What exactly are patient rights? Why are they so important? Should we be concerned? People often get patient rights and patient responsibilities confused. “There is a very big difference between having a right to healthcare and having a right to care for oneself. The right to healthcare is external provisions that are separate from the individual themselves while patient responsibilities impose a responsibility on the actual individual” (Fredricks, 2013). The patient’s responsibility, in this case, is to know their patient rights. The term “Patient Rights” is defined as the legal interests of persons who submit to any medical treatment. If patients do not know their rights how can they be comfortable with going to the hospital completely …show more content…

On the other hand, if there is a lack of respect of patient’s rights, this may lead to hazards to security and health situation of patients” (Mastaneh & Mouseli, 2013). Just because a patient is denied their rights does not mean that they have to accept this kind of treatment. However, some patients will accept this disrespectful care because they do not know it is their right to receive considerate, respectful care. The providers must always respect the patients under any circumstances. “Human rights principles that are applied to patient care include the right to the highest level of healthcare, which covers positive and negative guarantees in the respect of the patient’s health. Also, human rights principles include civil and political rights as well which ranges from the patient’s right to be free from torture and inhumane treatment to liberty and security of a person. Lastly, they focus on socially excluded group rights and how they should be free from discrimination in the deliverance of healthcare” (Cohen & Ezer, 2013). Another example would be that if a patient has to remain undressed longer than necessary for whatever reason then this is a violation of their rights and the provider that let it happen needs to face consequences because they were not being very inconsiderate of the

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