
Importance Of Academic Language In Classroom

Better Essays

Academic Language in the Classroom and Pragmatism Ideology

Academic language is one of the topics of importance taught in many professional learning communities (PLC) across the United States. The use of academic language is currently relevant in every classroom. (Barnes, Grifenhagen, & Dickinson, 2016) state that “Current trends in education are encouraging teachers to teach, use, and evaluate academic language” (p.39). The article Academic Language in Early Childhood Classrooms exposes the importance of academic language through a pragmatism ideology. First, a pragmatism ideology can be observed throughout the article because of the emphasis placed on exposing children to academic language through different experiences. According to (Ozmon, 2012), “As people are exposed to experiences, these experiences are impressed on their minds” (p.115). Children who are exposed to academic language are more than likely going to understand it and will allow them to experience success in school (Barnes et al., 2016). When children are involved in different experiences with their family, they will have a wider repertoire of academic language than those who do not. (Barnes et al., 2016) states that, “Families engage with their children in different ways, and many children may have early language experiences different from those they will experience in school” (p.39). Next, the article Academic Language in Early Childhood Classrooms is rooted in pragmatism ideology because a

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