
Importance Of Bernini Master Piece

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Bernini’s Master Pieces
It’s impossible to talk about Italian Baroque art without Bernini. Bernini, who is considered the most important sculptor and one of the most important outstanding architect during the 17th century, still gives to the world the opportunity to enjoy the most inspiring and wonderful seeing of his artworks almost three hundred thirty-seven years after his dead until now [1]. Many of his artwork can be still appreciated at the gallery Borghese and other public piazzas, such as Piazza Navona, Piazza Barberini, and others.
In Piazza Navona can be appreciated the fountain of the four rivers or “La Fontana di Quattro Fiumi”. This fountain was initially made not just for showing the power and glory of the pope and his family, but also in the …show more content…

Bernini’s style is just recognizable because of his engagement and drama, texture, movement and naturalism of his artworks, which is completely expressed in the fountain of the four rivers. This master piece was from the beginning designed and sculpted by Bernini and Bernini’s workers. This was not the case for the fountain of the moor. This fountain, which was originally designed by della Porta with just a central dolphin and four tritons, lacks detail. If we compared these two fountains we can noticed that the fountain of the four rivers is carefully made in detailed. It has movement, it expresses something. Just considering the obelisk surmounted by the dove in the fountain of the four river makes us realized how passionate was Bernini in his pieces, which is the same detail and expression that reveals the center master piece in the moor fountain. The difference in technique between these two fountains as well as the design style between della Porta and Bernini, from what he modeled to what Bernini’s did in the fountain of the four rivers, is just simple, stagnant and not

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