
Importance Of Higher Education

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Education may be referred to as the procedure of facilitating knowledge, beliefs, habits, values, and skills. There exist various methods of education, and they include; training, teaching, and discussions. Thus education may be in two different settings, that is informal education and formal setting. Learning is therefore alienated into different stages; play school, primary school/elementary school, middle school, high school, and University/college. Hence advanced education, which also referred to as post-secondary learning may be referred to as the optional stage of formal learning; that occurs after one has completed their high school education. Accordingly, higher education is mostly offered at Universities, Colleges or institutions of technology. Similarly higher education may also be available to an individual through various College institutions like; the vocational schools, and the trade schools. The human rights as well consider that higher education is the right to every individual who wishes to continue with their studies. Higher education entails; research, teaching, and challenging applied for work, this is in the Universities. Ever since the World War 2 many developing and also the developed countries, have increased the number of people who study higher education. This, therefore, increased the Elite rate up to 15% and the mass rate from 16% to 50%. Hence in almost all the developing countries, the level of the participation in higher education has increased

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