
Importance Of My Goals On Cooking Dinner

Decent Essays

My goal, for the past few weeks, has been to cook homemade, main course dinners at least three times a week. Dinner will consist of cooking a main course meal or an entrée. Prepacked or frozen dinners do not count towards cooking dinner. My goal will be accomplished by preplanning my meals and designate days that I will cook. Saving money from eating out will keep me focused and motivated. I will check in on my progress every week.
Saving money, eating healthier, and engaging in a great bonding activity with my children are the rationale for me accomplishing my goal of cooking more homemade meals. I will prepare lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fresh vegetables, which will lead to healthier eating habits and ultimately a healthier life.
It will give my children a jumpstart on good nutrition practices that can last a lifetime. Not only will my family eat healthier, but we would spend more time together, over a great meal. Saving money is another reason behind my goal to cooking dinner at least three times a week.
In the past, Sunday was the only day that I would normally cook a homemade dinner. After reflecting upon this practice, I realized that I did not cook dinner often because of the hassle of going to the grocery store. Taking children grocery shopping can turn a simple task into painful task. Not to mention, I would have to carry groceries up three flight of stairs. Another reason that I didn’t cook as often, was that cooking takes too much effort

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