
Importance Of Patient Relationship In Nursing

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The greatest quality in life comes when an individual has pure joy of being alive, being fully present in the moment and having their life in balance. Feeling valued, cared for, respected, heard, understood, helped and nurtured will increase the patient’s perspective on healthcare and the healthcare system.

Administering medications, monitoring, educating and maintaining should not be the focus of healthcare providers.
Dr. Jean Watson's theory state nursing is concerned with promoting health, preventing illness, caring for the sick and restoring health. Watson wanted to connect medicine with emphasis on curing diseases and caring emphasizing caring of the entire person and the relationship between the nurse and patient. The care Watson refers to goes beyond minimal accepted standards of patient centered care. It goes to the center of a patients being, going directly to the heart cultivating a relationship that is interpersonal. The theory mimics the known following guidelines and boundaries hospitals tend to base core values on; service, dignity, excellence and justice (Rawls, 1971).

The care assessment is fundamental to the nurse patient relationship and the nursing profession itself (Silia, 1998). According to the Code of Ethics for Nurses, “The measures nurses take to care for the patient enables the patient to live with as much physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being as possible”
(ANA, 2001).


The nurse who understands ethical principals and

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