
Importance Of Prayer Essay

Satisfactory Essays

As we have learned in New Testament, prayer is of high importance because it allows for the individual to build a stronger relationship with God. Praying allows for a person to experience a direct line of communication with God. Individuals are not utilizing prayer to simply free themselves of sins, but instead it is used as an opportunity to connect and spend time with God. It permits for the formation of a deeper connection and understanding with the reasonings behind God’s work. Through the use of daily prayer, individuals are granted opportunities to access all the aspects life has presented us. It also permits them to be selfless, praying for positives in other people’s lives. Prayer can truly be life changing for a person who …show more content…

Each year on the Tibetan New Year, the flag is replaced and the prayer of Buddhists is said to remain in the wind and become a part of the universe. Also, in Hinduism and Buddhism a set of beads termed ‘mala’ are used to keep track of repeated prayers by someone. The beads are counted counterclockwise until the head bead is at the top, signifying a full set of prayers.

Hanuman is a devotee of the hero Rama when Hindu scripture is concerned. People worship and pray by lighting lamps and incense, which signifies a different type of prayer and offering. A Celebration of Janmashtami, which is the birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated all throughout Bangladesh. The Hindu community focuses on the love of god and they pray to receive wishes to better themselves and their loved ones.

All Muslims are required to pray five times a day, which is called their salah or ritual of prayer. Muslims use prayer to focus on themselves to build a deeper relationship with their God. A Muslim may wear a tefillin to show their religion to others.

Druidism is a broad church, which has eight festivals that are attend to by adherents. The festivals are throughout the year repetitively every year. Four of the festivals are based on solstices and equinoxes. Gaining attention to kami they do coin shaking, clapping, and ringing a bell before they will go into prayer

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