
Importance Of Professionalism In The Workplace

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Professionalism in the Workplace
What is professionalism in the workplace? Have you ever considered the importance of that? Do you know what it is, and do you want to become one? I wonder how many people I would get for each question. According to Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, “professionalism describes the qualities, skills, competencies, and behaviors you are expected to bring to physiotherapy” (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, n.d). Is there any difference in defining professionalism for nurses? Being assertive about your knowledge and knowing your scope thoroughly are priorities a nurse must have. However, professionalism combines of many factors. It not only comes from the knowledge that you gain at school; it can also be displayed through appearance, communication, and behavior. Especially, in the nursing field, it is really important to have the following characteristics, which are trustworthy, empathetic, respectful, and caring. We don’t need IQ to possess those characteristics; they come from our heart.
First of all, being on time is one professional practice, and there is also the appearance. Before coming approach to anyone, their appearance will kind of tell us something about themselves. Being neat and following the institution’s policy on dressing is your next step of becoming professional.
Nurses are patients’ advocacy, so communication skills are really important. They have to speak up for patients’ concerns and find ways to resolve patients’

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