
Importance Of Success In Education

Decent Essays

Tyra Mitchell Professor Morgan ENG 111-4203 13 June 2017 Success in Education Society gives us the idea that education is the key to success. Most well-paying jobs require degrees, and to even hold a position in our government education is a major credential to be elected. It is a way for others to confirm qualification for whatever the job may be. Yes, education is a form of qualification, but it can lead to so many opportunities. Academic success is the gateway for networking, mastering skills, and financial stability. Most academic experiences can lead to opportunities for networking. Networking is important for future partnerships and endeavors. You never know when you may need someone’s help in the future, or maybe you want to work with someone you trust. This is why it is important to never burn bridges with others, and build them instead. networking is about being genuine and authentic, building trust and relationships, and seeing how you can help others. Being known as a strong resource, people remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. this keeps you visible to them. Take advantage of unique programs and educational opportunities, get involved in clubs and organizations, attend campus events, and even invite a classmate to meet after class to study. Going to class, doing your assignments, asking questions when you don’t understand something – it’s all up to you. Take an active role in your own education and learn to be your own

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