
Importance Of Teaching English As A Second Language

Better Essays

Considering the continuing demand of English language skills in a global, competitive arena, teaching English as a Second Language can be a complicated issue. One of the major things to be considered while teaching is what language can be allowed or accepted in an ESL classroom. While teaching English as a second language in a country like India, instructors have struggled majorly while introducing the American colloquial English in the classroom. We might wonder what could possibly be wrong with American English. Nothing is! But, language doesn’t reach the students in one, unchanged, unadulterated form. Language, especially English is a continuum of local expressions, slangs, and popular media sliding into a grand structure and creating different forms and meaning for your perusal. This interest and convenience is a key ingredient to be analyzed when we talk about teaching English as a second language. Considering the example of India where I have taught English for almost a decade, the learning practicum for English has always been in transition. From dictations in English, and recitations to group discussions, and public speaking skills- we are continuously engaged in making sure that the Indian English speaker is well versed with the craft, and turns out to be a confident speaker, publicly. While doing so, we teachers try to incorporate as many real- life or better say ‘native speaker’ situations/ examples as we can. Indian learners of English get many ‘Englishes’ to

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