
Importance Of Teaching English

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Assignment 1, Muntasir
In my country, English is taught as a foreign language. The school that I was teaching is a bilingual school. They use English as one of instruction languages. However, in a certain level, the instruction language is mixed between L1 and English depending on the need of students. I teach English for senior high school students. Their ages are ranging from 13 to 14. The students in this context are first-grade students in senior high school. They are divided into two level. The one that I am preparing the material for is the pre- intermediate level students. These students can understand a simple text even though they do not understand all vocabulary. They read graded reader book every week and have a test every two month. This reading activity aims for comprehension and vocabulary practice.t
I choose this text because of the theme of the text is familiar to students’ daily life. This text is about electronic rubbish (Appendix). Moreover, I think students will enjoy reading this text as it provides interesting information about electronic devices that they regularly interact with. I hope that the familiarity of content will help their understanding.
After running this text into Lexical Tutor website, I find that 77.06% of text categorize as K1 and 12.84% of it categorizes as K2. However, there are some words which are relatively low-frequency word and that my students might not understand. These words such as recycle, copper, toxic which are

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