
Importance Of The First Amendment

Decent Essays

Most Significant Amendment The United States Constitution contains 27 Amendments. These 27 Amendments were all chosen and passed for specific reasons. However, the most important Amendment to the Constitution is the First Amendment, which is also the most relevant to america today. The first amendment protects the freedoms of religion, speech and the press, as well as the right to assemble peacefully and petition the government if necessary. The Founding Fathers of the Constitution created this Amendment to insure that individual's’ rights will not be violated under federal legislature. Today, the First Amendment's’ importance has recently been under fire as many opinions are causing controversy within different media outlets. Although some may disagree, the First Amendment is solely the foundation for basic democracy not only in America, but worldwide. The First Amendment provides Americans the ability to freely express their opinions, protest against the government, and follow individual faith. When the Founding Fathers created the Constitution of the United States, they insured that the fundamental rights for each individual, that the government could not impose on was listed accordingly. The freedom of speech is a fundamental human right that allows society to grow and progress everyday. Throughout history, society exercised speech in order to propose, or infer changes that needed to be made. For example, women used the First Amendment to achieve the passage of the

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