
Important Information Registration Click The Image Of Register

Decent Essays

Teacher Start Page
Important Information
Registration Click the image to register.

***The 2015-16 Teacher registration is now available. All teachers: Please register your plan to use this site for the 2015-16 year. We have provided a new password to the Moodle Teacher Resource site upon completion of the survey. The Moodle site is located at server . Be sure to look for and click the button on the page to login as a guest. To access the Moodle course site, click this Link and be sure to look for the "Login as Guest."

Please note that this is a grant supported project, and your registration will help us document the use of the site to support continued funding.
Please use this link to report bad links, page errors, missing …show more content…

Help students build information literacy and digital citizenship skills, and be knowledgable about being Safe Online and Cyberbullying.

Provide 21st century resources which are engaging and fun for teaching and learning with educational technology for teachers and their students using performance-based activities based on 21st century educational technology tools such as: Google Docs, spreadsheets and graphing, digital citizenship, copyright, presentation tools, etc.

Provide just-in-time and project-based resources online which increase opportunities for authentic portfolio-based assessment of educational technology literacy skills of students.


Please visit the Updates page frequently for the 2015-16 school year (a link goes bad, content is no longer available, site is no longer appropriate...).

Free 21things Webinars for Teachers: You are invited to attend!

The list of FREE webinar sessions will be posted and updated monthly on the Teacher Start page and in the meeting room. This is one of our ways to help support teachers using these resources.

***Come 5-10 minutes early to learn how to participate.

*** If you have a headset with microphone, or microphone, learn to join in.

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