
Impoverishment In The Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era was a time where people were in search for progress toward freedom and justice. This era “dominated politics from 1890 through World War 1” (Fred Carroll, PhD). During this era many people struggled to keep their jobs, their homes, and food for their families. Impoverishment played a huge role in the Progressive Era because many of the problems circulated around these people. Although these were hard times for people to get through some ignored the issue while others felt that the issues should be heard. People who wanted these people's issues to be heard were known as Progressives or Progressive Reformers. Progressive Reformers like, Margaret Sanger and Jacob Riis wanted the problems of the poor to be no longer ignored …show more content…

Riis, however, did not just use words to get his point across but used photographs to describe the living conditions and problems the poor were facing. During this era, Riis was what they called an investigative journalist also known as a muckracker (Hewitt, 594). He and other journalists were called muckrackers because they exposed tragic truths that the government did not want the public to know. In “How the Other Half Lives”, Riis took photos of those who lived in extreme poverty to get upper and middle class citizens to realize that these people needed help and that they should not be living the way they do. In Chapter 1: Genesis of the Tenement, Riis displays photographs of these tenements that poor families stayed in and goes on to explain how terrible and dangerous these tenements really were. In this Chapter, he states that the death of a child in a tenement was "plainly due to suffocation in the foul air of an unventilated apartment” (Riis, 1). Throughout the book he talks about the small rooms that more than one family was assigned to live in, the overcrowdiness, the filthiness of the tenements, the overcrowdiness of the tenement itself, and the stuffiness of the rooms. Riis’ main reason behind “How the Other Half Lives” was to show the misery, pain, and difficulty people were faced with on an everyday

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