
Improving Health, Education, And The Environment

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The MDGs identify—and quantify—specific gains that could be made to improve the lives of the world’s poor people. Their aim is to reduce poverty while improving health, education, and the environment. These goals were endorsed by 189 countries at the September 2000 UN Millennium General Assembly in New York. They focus on significant, measurable improvements for the efforts of the World Bank Group, governments, other international organizations, and other partners in the development community. The MDGs grew out of the agreements and resolutions that have resulted from world conferences organized by the UN in the past 10–15 years. Each goal is to be achieved by 2015, with progress to be measured by comparison with 1990 levels. Although the …show more content…

But providing assistance isn’t limited to providing financial aid. Developing countries may also benefit if trade barriers are lowered, hence allowing a freer exchange of goods and services.
Achieving the goals is an enormous challenge. Partnerships between the Bank Group, the UN Development Group (UNDG), and other organizations, as well as between donors and developing countries, are the only way to ensure coordinated and complementary efforts. The UNDG consists of the many UN programs, funds, and agencies engaged in development assistance and related activities. The Bank Group participates in the UNDG and supports its framework for greater coherence and cooperation in UN development operations.
Strategic Framework
The Bank Group’s strategic framework concentrates on the twin pillars of:
1. building an appropriate climate for investment, jobs, and sustainable growth so that economies will grow,
2. Investing in and empowering poor people to participate in development.
In recent years, the executive directors have underscored the continued relevance of these priorities, have reaffirmed the need for selectivity in the Bank Group’s work, and have called for greater collaboration with development partners. In order focus on those pillars, the executive directors have standardized the operational policies, practices and procedures. Furthermore, they have discussed the needs of meeting requests of low-income, heavily indebted and fragile countries. They have also

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