
In The Lake Of The Woods Literary Analysis

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What is love? Is love the easy, effortless romance of a never-ending honeymoon? Or is it a constant struggle - a war between the extremes of irrevocable love and absolute loathing? Tim O'Brien's novel In the Lake of the Woods presents many types of relationships - whether familial, friendly, or romantic - in a perspective that allows the nature of love to be examined. Through the eyes of John Wade, the reader explores his relationships, particularly those with his father, his wife Kathy, and his fellow soldiers in Vietnam. Ultimately, the decision about the nature of love is left open for the reader to ponder; however, John Wade's story presents a strong case for the idea that love is a war rather than a peaceful getaway. Throughout the novel, the reader is exposed to John's memories in such a way that it becomes unclear whether he truly loves anyone in his life, including his missing wife. One could ultimately conclude that yes, John Wade is a loving creature, …show more content…

In John Wade's mind, everything is normal and his love for Kathy, including the behaviors that accompany that love such as following her, make sense. However, even John struggles with their relationship; in one of his hypotheses about what might have happened to Kathy, John imagines her running away from a loveless, meaningless marriage, causing the reader to feel that he also struggles with the true foundation of their marriage (O'Brien ???). In the same way, John also loved his father and longed for his approval, despite his father calling him names like "Jiggling John." Even his relationships with his fellow soldiers in Vietnam present a different view of love. John longed for their approval while the others thought of him as a good luck charm, nicknaming him the "Sorcerer" - all of Charlie Company's relationship was built on the foundation of the peculiar nature of love as a struggle against the hatred surrounding

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