
In This Age Of High-Stakes Standardized Testing The Idea

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In this age of high-stakes standardized testing the idea of creativity in the classroom has become less and less popular. Susan W. Cress and Daniel T. Holm present a compelling case study for keeping creativity in the classroom in “Creative Endeavors: Inspiring Creativity in a First Grade Classroom” published online April 1, 2015 in the Early Childhood Education Journal. Cress and Holm begin by examining the different introducing us to Ms. P and her class of first graders. They explain Ms. P’s desire to harness the excitement and engagement she saw during, a pre-Christmas break collaborative creative writing activity, during her everyday lessons. (p.236) Before we get a look at the solution she came up with we get an insight into …show more content…

We also learn that creativity in the classroom has a positive effect on vocabulary, increases creative problem solving skills, increases the enjoyability of learning, and if used in conjunction with technology can help develop skills in the creative use of technology that will stay with them throughout their lives. (p. 237) The Creative Endeavors program is introduced to us at this point and explained in detail. Ms. P. with the goal of increasing the student’s creativity began the program in three phases. Phase 1 was the exploratory phase. In this phase the students were given time and typical art supplies to explore on their own. During this phase students came together on their own with similar ideas and began asking for additional supplies for the projects they envisioned. Once projects started to develop some guidance was given by the teacher to help move the projects along. At the end of Phase 1 students were required to write about their experience furthering their literacy skills. (p.237) Phase 2 added a little more structure to the process. Students were still able to choose their project area based on their interest but the projects became more intentional and the reflective piece was more directed with questions that the students knew they would have to explain in their writing when they

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