
The Red Badge Of Courage Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Stephen Crane, author of The Red Badge of Courage, in regards to the American Civil War once despondently wrote, “It was not well to drive men into final corners; at those moments they could all develop teeth and claws” (Crane). Such describes the desperate and harrowing atmosphere of the time during which Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States. As Abraham Lincoln once perspicaciously reflected upon the significance of the Civil War, "The struggle of today is not altogether for today — it is for a vast future also" meaning that the war was paramount to the survival of the union and thus, one of the most momentous occurrences of American history (Lincoln). Nathaniel Hawthorne, a transcendentalist and author of The Scarlet …show more content…

3). Hawthorne is also effectively able to convey the fact that despite his lack of physical attractiveness, Lincoln remained strong of mind and relatable to the average American citizen making him the perfect president to confidently lead the Union through the Civil War. When Hawthorne bluntly states, "there is no describing his lengthy awkwardness, nor the uncouthness of his movement" he successfully highlights the fact that Lincoln, while lacking in beauty, made up for all of his faults with his personable attitude and his tremendous intelligence necessary to lead the nation through the civil war, which left Hawthorne awe-struck since such an attitude was unheard of and simultaneously valued in a president (para. 3). Through his usage of both a reverent tone and descriptive imagery, Hawthorne is effectively able to convey the fact that regardless of his exterior appearance, Lincoln's exceptional intelligence and approachability made him quintessential of leadership and thus suitable to lead the country to victory. To convey the fact that while physically unappealing Lincoln's brilliance and congenial attitude made him an excellent president, the speaker

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