
Inaccurate Animal Testing

Good Essays

Animal testing is when animals are used in different tests, experiments, and studies. These tests, experiments, and studies often result in the harm and/or death of the animals. People often say the animals are used in order to benefit humans, such as making sure that products are safe and helping make advancements in medicine. When people use everyday products, most never think about how the product was determined to be safe. The animal’s involuntary sacrifice is almost never even a thought in most people’s minds. These animals undergo cruel treatment, harmful experiments, and even death for the “benefit” of humans. The Animal Welfare Act is the only U.S. that regulates the treatment of animals used for testing. However, The Animal Welfare …show more content…

These animals spend most, if not all, of their lives trapped in cages. Many facilities don’t give the animals the opportunity to experience sunlight. The only light they are ever exposed to is the light on a fluorescent bulb. The stressful environment of a lab has many negative effects on the animals. According to Dr. Chaitanya, in an article titled “Animal Testing: Inhumane AND Inaccurate”, “This stress leads many animals to self-harm and displaying stereotypical behaviors, including spinning endlessly in their cages or constantly pacing” (Chaitanya). Not only are the animals forced to undergo different tests and treatments, they are also confine in cages and not allowed to experience any natural elements. Some animals live their entire lives being tortured through experiments, and they are not even given the chance to experience sunlight. The conditions in which the animals are forced to live can cause them harm. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, in an article titled, “Wining the Case Against Animal Cruelty”, “In 2012, monkeys were boiled alive when sent through scalding-hot mechanical cage washers, while others overheated to death in poor laboratory conditions” (Animal Legal Defense Fund). These monkey’s not only suffered through experiments, they also had to suffer through deplorable living conditions. People who are in …show more content…

Scientists use animals in order to make medical advancements to help humans however, it is often difficult to get the same results in both animals and humans. The biology of humans and animals is not the same, although there are some similarities. According to Akhtar, in an article titled “The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation”, “Annually, more than 115 million animals are used worldwide in experimentation or to supply the biomedical industry” (Akhtar). Millions of animals are used, against their will, to try to help humans. Although there are some instances in which the experiments have helped humans, is it really worth the pain and suffering that all of those animals have had to suffer. Akhtar also stated “Although it is widely accepted that medicine should be evidence based, animal experimentation as a means of informing human health has generally not been held, in practice, to this standard” (Akhtar). There has been some cases in which testing medicine on animals has benefitted humans, however this type of result is hard to duplicate. Often when a result is achieved in the lab, there are many influences that can cause these

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