Animal testing is when animals are used in different tests, experiments, and studies. These tests, experiments, and studies often result in the harm and/or death of the animals. People often say the animals are used in order to benefit humans, such as making sure that products are safe and helping make advancements in medicine. When people use everyday products, most never think about how the product was determined to be safe. The animal’s involuntary sacrifice is almost never even a thought in most people’s minds. These animals undergo cruel treatment, harmful experiments, and even death for the “benefit” of humans. The Animal Welfare Act is the only U.S. that regulates the treatment of animals used for testing. However, The Animal Welfare …show more content…
These animals spend most, if not all, of their lives trapped in cages. Many facilities don’t give the animals the opportunity to experience sunlight. The only light they are ever exposed to is the light on a fluorescent bulb. The stressful environment of a lab has many negative effects on the animals. According to Dr. Chaitanya, in an article titled “Animal Testing: Inhumane AND Inaccurate”, “This stress leads many animals to self-harm and displaying stereotypical behaviors, including spinning endlessly in their cages or constantly pacing” (Chaitanya). Not only are the animals forced to undergo different tests and treatments, they are also confine in cages and not allowed to experience any natural elements. Some animals live their entire lives being tortured through experiments, and they are not even given the chance to experience sunlight. The conditions in which the animals are forced to live can cause them harm. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, in an article titled, “Wining the Case Against Animal Cruelty”, “In 2012, monkeys were boiled alive when sent through scalding-hot mechanical cage washers, while others overheated to death in poor laboratory conditions” (Animal Legal Defense Fund). These monkey’s not only suffered through experiments, they also had to suffer through deplorable living conditions. People who are in …show more content…
Scientists use animals in order to make medical advancements to help humans however, it is often difficult to get the same results in both animals and humans. The biology of humans and animals is not the same, although there are some similarities. According to Akhtar, in an article titled “The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation”, “Annually, more than 115 million animals are used worldwide in experimentation or to supply the biomedical industry” (Akhtar). Millions of animals are used, against their will, to try to help humans. Although there are some instances in which the experiments have helped humans, is it really worth the pain and suffering that all of those animals have had to suffer. Akhtar also stated “Although it is widely accepted that medicine should be evidence based, animal experimentation as a means of informing human health has generally not been held, in practice, to this standard” (Akhtar). There has been some cases in which testing medicine on animals has benefitted humans, however this type of result is hard to duplicate. Often when a result is achieved in the lab, there are many influences that can cause these
Animal testing is a common practice in current life that is necessary to ensure the safety of the humans that will be using the tested product. There are many good and bad aspects of animal testing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Animal testing has been around since ancient times when animals were dissected to gain knowledge about the body and organs. The animals killed from animal testing make up a tiny percentage of the total animals killed every year. When just considering the animals used for food compared to the animals used for testing, testing animals make up a mere 2.6 percent of that number. Public safety far outweighs the lives of the small amount of animals killed.
Although some people believe animal testing is beneficial to humans, animals go through torture during the testing progress, and it is unethical. Marjie Lundstrom, a UC Davis researcher explains, “An incident at the University of California, three baby mice were found sealed alive in a plastic baggie and left unattended” ( This quote proves animals suffer during the testing progresses, and humans think the pain of the animals is okay. To clarify these baby mice were being abused and they were in an unethical situation. According to Human Society International, an undercover investigation site states, “animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other
Somewhere, in the United States, an animal is in terror. It cowers fearfully as scientists hold it down, and a doctor grips a massive, sharp needle next to its neck, ready to inject the animal with a lethal dose of a new, experimental drug. The animal is one of 26 million other creatures facing the same, painful, fate annually (The Hasting Center). Animal testing is the downfall of humanity, a practice of humans testing chemicals, drugs, and cosmetics on animals. Animal testing is an atrocity that is an unnecessary and dangerous ordeal to the subjects being tested on. The fact that it is cruel, is highly inaccurate, and that there are many other ways to achieve the results being pursued all
Animal testing is the when animals are used in testing facilities all over the world for cures, scientific research, experiments and medicine. Each year millions of animals such as household pets (dogs, cats, rabbits) and other animals such as rats, mice are used in various scientific experiments. During testing these animals experience physical and/or mental torture. Although scientists believe that these experiments are obligatory if they are to succeed in breakthroughs, I believe that these experiments are cruel, painful and immensely dangerous. A massive flaw is that animals are exposed to an infliction of unnecessary pain.
Animal testing, also known as animal research or experimentation refers to the use of non-human animals to conduct experiments which seek to control certain variables that have the potential to impact the biological systems or behaviors under study. The most commonly used animals are usually mice, cats, rats, dogs and primates. More than 20 million animals are usually subjected to food, drugs, chemical and cosmetic testing each year in the United States alone (Sharma et al, p.1). These animals usually suffer and die in the cruelest of ways despite the fact that there exist more modern non-animal tests which have been found out to save time, money and with more educational value. This essay explains why animal testing is bad and provides
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of animals in research and development projects, usually for the purposes of determining the safety of substances such as food, cosmetics, and drugs. Research animals undergo procedures that can cause physical and psychological distress. Mostly, the animals are euthanized, or killed, after the experiments. However, many organizations such as PETA and the Animal Justice Project have brought up, and are fighting against the dangerous outcomes of animals as they undergo testing. As a result, the topic of animal testing has become a divided and controversial topic among individuals, questioning whether it is ethical and unnecessary or humane and necessary to the science development.
Animal testing has been bad of the years and it can even be dated back to the ancient times of the greek. Physicians would dissect animals with the pure interest to obtain knowledge. But even then, one such physician stated that he would rather use a pig as his subject because he wanted to.The ethics of animal testing has always been questioned. Humans do not want to think of animals as on the same level of us. The similarity is terrifying and makes the cruelness obvious. In the 16 century it has been recorded that early vivisectionists, scientists who perform experiments and operations on live animals, did not consider animals to be of the same lineage of us and barely cared for them.The remaining are used as test dummies for products.
Imagine a small girl walking into a pet store, eyes aglow with excitement. She wanders through the aisles with a skip in her step until she comes across the cages with the rabbits. She pets each of them delicately, finally choosing the one she wants and then she takes it home, holding it and showing it love for the rest of it’s life. Now, imagine another scenario. A scientist walks towards a small cage with ten rabbits huddled in a corner. He picks one of them up, coldly holds it in hand and shoots a chemical into one of its eyes. The rabbit is then constrained, preventing it from relieving any pain, redness, or bleeding caused by the test, until the scientist decides to check the results of the test, followed
As of 2015, 200 to 225 million animals are said to used in laboratory research for the biomedical industry annually worldwide. Typically defended by arguments of reliability and human health benefits, recently the question of ethics and values placed on animal testing have caused it to become a relevant and pressing topic that has been more widely discussed and debated. First off, the laboratory conditions that are instigated upon millions of animal models for the sake of medical research has been said to be unethical and cruel. Additionally, it has been debated that the results of animal experimentation are unreliable across a wide range of areas. Lastly, animal testing not only leads away from the direction of resources from more effective testing methods but also prolongs the duration of time humans may need to wait for an effective cure. Therefore, the potential benefits of animal experimentation are greatly outweighed by the risks and collective harm of humans and animals which is why resources should be directed towards more human-based testing procedures.
Animal testing is an experimentation performed on animals. Scientists test on animals to assess the how safe and effective a product for humans is, this can be anything from medication, pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives, household products, supplements, and cosmetics. Animal testing is morally wrong as it involves the torturing of innocent animals. “Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful
“Animals undergoing testing can be subjected to torture and suffering” (Humanity, 2017, p. 1). Some animals may be cured of their ailments and diseases, but not all. In some cases, the animal dies do to the treatment. Humane treatment of the animals is a valid concern, so the use of them in experiments has been greatly regulated. “This has led to the 3Rs campaign, which advocates the search (1) for the replacement of animals with non-living models; (2) reduction in the use of animals; and (3) refinement of animal use products” (Hajar, 2011, p. 1). The Animal Welfare Act was signed to protect certain animals from cruel treatment, but the animals chosen for testing aren’t covered by this act. Many people believe that animal testing is unethical since animals are
Are you allowing yourself to ignore the unnecessary, unethical, and inaccurate experiments and tests that are being done to innocent animals every single day? Scientists, doctors, and other experimenters do physical and mental tests on animals in search of answers. Over time the horrible practices that were, and still are, happening to these animals on a daily bases were slowly opened to the public and it seems like no one wanted to believe it. Slowly these ways are being stopped but there are still labs testing these animals with no sympathy. Animal testing is unnecessary, unethical, and inaccurate because humans are totally different than animals, there are other possible ways to find answers, and the experiments done on
The method of using animals for testing of human products has been a controversial issue for the last thirty years. Animal testing has been a considerably debated practice. The question is whether animal testing is morally right or wrong. Animal testing is wrong because of the other side says that animals are the closest things to humans. Testing on animals harms the animals and does not do us any good.
Animal testing or animal experimentation is the use of non-human species in experiments to test the effects of controlled variables on the subject’s behaviour, or physical appearance. The use of animal testing in science is a controversial issue that has divided the public for many centuries; between immense passion towards animals from those opposing the practice, and those that believe in its integral part in the advancement of science. The scientists, who are strongly in favour of animal testing believe that human life is superior to animal life, and if lives are saved animal testing is justified; whereas, the opposers see it as being a cruel and an inhumane practice.
If you've ever taken antibiotics, had a vaccine, a blood transfusion, dialysis, an organ transplant, or a joint replacement, you have benefitted from animal testing and research (“Humane society”). It's true there are medical breakthroughs however, if you use an alternative to testing animals such as genetic testing methods than animals wouldn't have to suffer (“11 facts about animal”). Over 115 million animals a year die from being tested in lab experiments. During animal experimentation mice get tumors the size of their own bodies and kittens are purposely blinded to test makeup (“11 facts about animal”). Testing animals are not 100% accurate for humans because their bodies are different than humans (Woodward kay