Inclusive Growth of Corporate Social Responsibility in ITC
Kanchana Arun,Assistant Professor, HCM,Vels University
Corporate Social Responsibility has become a worldwide concept where by organizations consider the interest of the society by taking responsibility for the influence of their activities on the public and their environment. ITC Hotels is actively committed to the environment. As responsible corporate citizens, they recognize their commitment towards maintaining a greener and healthier environment.
This research paper moves around developing an understanding about the Corporate Social Responsibility, delves into its concept and finding out its scope taking the case study of ITC Grand Chola hotel which has
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The concept came into prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s.This idea was mentioned popularly in 'strategic management: a stakeholders approach ' by R. Edward Freeman in 1984.
Definition by Archie Carroll CSR as a multi layered concept that can be differentiated into four interrelated aspects – economic, legal ethical and philanthropic responsibilities.
Definition from the World Bank Group
Stating, “Corporate social responsibility is the commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development by working with the employees, their families, the local community and society at large, to improve”.
Vice President Hamid Ansari called upon the captains of Indian industry to embrace the concept of 'growth with equity ' as part of their CSR motto.
"Empirical evidence shows growth without equity is not sustainable in the long run. Desired levels of equity can 't be attained without rapid and sustained growth. Hence the solution is not in 'either-or ' but in 'both '".
Objectives of the study
To highlight the functional areas of the Government policies
To understand the contribution of the ITC’s CSR towards inclusive growth THE CSR POLICY
1. Care for all stake holders:
The companies should respect the interest of, and be responsive towards all stake holders, including share holders, employees,
Corporate social responsibility is a term that conveys a corporation’s social responsibility to society. In the old days corporations felt that once they had gained support from the public they had a responsibility to give back to the community. This idea of giving back meant serving as volunteers and providing financial contributions in aim of correcting the problems of the community. Corporations have a wide range of opportunity and reach within most societies so it is important and can ultimately be a great aid for a corporation to help in correcting the problems of society by contributing and giving back along with other individuals. I also believe that corporate social responsibility means ensuring that there are not problems arising that make it hard for consumers to continue to support a corporation. The continuation of a corporation is dependent upon consumers and I believe it is the
Corporate social responsibility is not going to solve the world’s problems. With that being said, corporate social responsibility is a way for companies to benefit themselves while also benefiting society. It allows companies to take small steps to make big differences in areas of need. Some may say that it is a bunch of “greenwashing” – the deceptive use of green marketing that promotes a misleading perception that a company’s policies, practices, products or services are environmentally friendly – but there is a call to action that inspires a company to get involved in the community (Kewalramani, Sobelsohn).
Corporate social responsibility is a company’s way of making sure that they comply with the law and ethical standards whilst increasing its positive affects on society. For today’s socially conscious shopper, selling a good product or service is no longer enough to attract customers. Company Q displays little regard for social responsibility within the community that their company operates in.
Corporate social responsibility is an organizations’ impact on society that goes beyond what is ethical. Being socially responsibility, an individual in upper management must realize how the actions might be able to influence the rest of the environment. If a company is socially responsible the company is honest, trustworthy, and display integrity while dealing with others and provides the attention to the stakeholders, build a community by searching for goals that are compatible with and respect individuals and accomplish silent triumphs.
Corporate social responsibility emphasizes the participation of the organization in a larger society and its responsibility to support good causes. It emphasizes corporate citizenship, philanthropy, and community support and recognizes community-based obligations and responsibilities.
The definition of corporate social responsibility is when a business takes responsibility for the impact it leaves whether it be bad for the environment, customers or anything involving society. Social responsibility is the concept of businesses not just focusing on maximizing profit but also trying to maintaining a positive image for the business. A main concept for social responsibility is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Not a hard concept to grasp. You basically need to act how your parents taught you to as kids, treat people how you want to be treated. Just add having good business sense and you have a potentially promising future in the corporate world. The company could be doing this
Corporate social responsibility is the responsibility a company takes on beyond its own economic benefit. Wikepedia (2006) states that it is "a company 's obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all of the stakeholders in its business operations" (Corporate social responsibility, para. 1). Stakeholders according to Wikepedia (2006) are all entities that might have influence on a company 's decisions. However, it should be pointed out that corporate social responsibility surpasses charitable donations and
Firstly, I would like to explain what Corporate Social Responsibility is. “It is a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and
Corporate Social Responsibility are actions taken by a corporation that have positive and lasting impact for all stakeholders associated with the organization, seeking to strike a balance between profits and helping to establish lasting investment in the community (Carrol, 2015). In the 1980’s, then President Reagan challenged the business community to take on more responsibility to address social problems (Carrol, 2015). Socially responsible actions can benefit local communities as well as the greater societal good.
Corporate social responsibility “refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society” (Caramela, 2016). Categories of social responsibility can be environmental efforts, philanthropy, ethical labor practices, or volunteer work. Organizations need to be more socially responsibility than ever before in order for their businesses and the world to be able to have maximum sustainability. "Sustainability isn 't just important for people and the planet, but also is vital for business success… Communities are grappling with problems that are global in scope and structurally multifaceted — Ebola, persistent poverty, climate change. The business case for engaging in corporate social responsibility is clear and unmistakable” (Caramela, 2016). Corporate social responsibility is becoming a major priority for strategic development by corporations around the world. Management needs to take great care in understanding the relationship between the activities of their organizations, customers, the community, the government, the environment, and employees.
Corporate Social Responsibility is a philosophy that relates to a business being a part of the society, so acts in a way that not only advances its own firm but also serves the society as well. Good ethics is the cornerstone of sustainable development. In the long run, unethical behavior may harm customers and the society as a whole. Furthermore, it damages a company’s image, efficiency and effectiveness in operations. In some extreme cases, it may jeopardize the company’s survival. As a matter of fact, the behavior of a firm will be judged by the groups of the society. Their judgments and responses will have an impact on the performance of the
Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. (World Business Council for Development, 2016)
Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives. Corporate Responsibility has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community and is progressively becoming a mainstream activity. There is mounting recognition of
Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as a company’s social performance and the impacts of the company on its internal and external stakeholders, including: customers, suppliers, employees, communities, government and the environment". ***
The first approach to corporate level social responsibility is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR consists four obligations. First and basic obligation of a company is making profit in other words its economic obligation. It is essential for a company to make profit to continue its operations. Second obligation of a company is its legal responsibilities to society. CSR states that even if a company can bypass legal constrains, for example a company can violate laws because profit is greater than legal penalty, and it should not do so. According to CSR legal constraints are not a simple income-outcome calculation they are corporates obligations to social and natural environment. Third obligation of a company is ethical