
Incompetence In Literature Is On The Rise In Today’S Society.

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Incompetence in literature is on the rise in today’s society. “Students in two- and four-year colleges have the greatest difficulty with quantitative literacy: approximately 30 percent of students in two-year institutions and nearly 20 percent of students in 4-year institutions have only basic quantitative literacy.” (cite) In “The Shadow Scholar”, Jonathan Barkat tells the story of Ed Dante, a ghost writer who is paid significantly well for writing numerous papers for higher education students. “The Shadow Scholar” not only illustrates the ghost writing community, but also exposes serious flaws in the educational system and shows just how far students are willing to go in the quest for academic perfection.
Ghost writing is present in …show more content…

According to Ed Dante, there are specific students who use ghost writing services for their advantage. Many students use ghost writers, not because they are unable to, but because they can, and are lazy. “My favorite customers are those with an unlimited supply of money and no shortage of instructions on how they would like to see their work executed…the lazy rich student will know exactly what he wants. He is poised for a life of paying others and telling them what to do. Instead, he is acquiring all the skills he needs to stay on top.” (cite) On the other hand, some students turn to ghost writing due to their extreme desperation and fear of failure. “The focus on evaluation rather than education means that those who haven’t mastered English must do so quickly or suffer the consequences.” (cite) Rather than produce their own work, students use ghost writing as a means to achieve their education and hence become unable and perhaps unwilling, to perform this work on their own thereby increasing incompetence in writing and evaluation of written work. Ed Dante believes that students pursuing a future in education are the worst contenders and that they constitute his largest population of customers. “In the enormous conspiracy that is student cheating, the frontline intelligence community is infiltrated by double agents”. (cite) Students are unable to conduct their own work and instead rely on others to produce their work for

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