
Incorporating Emotion in Information Computing System

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1.0 Introduction
Human emotions are real. Their social interactions are based on the ability to communicate their emotions as well as to view the emotional of other people. Thus, emotions are very important aspect and have to be taken into account when implementing information computing system. A new paradigm called affective computing play the functions in the detection and response to the emotions of the user. There are many theoretical models of emotions which can frame the design of affective applications.
The implementation of these applications requires different technologies. Plus, even though there are many similar characteristics, emotions is not something that is universal. Emotion is expressed differently in different cultures as well as languages. Thus, emotional aware applications should be created in a way that is flexible if they want to use with a wider class of users. Personal interaction is needed for a more efficient, and better tuning and acceptation of the developed system.
However, the computer system cannot be focused only on the user. The rapid development of mobile computing implies that learning is relevant to analyze the context of user interaction with a computer system. In order to deal with the elements that have an influence on affective interaction between human and computer, some models have been created. Some of them were presented as ontology. Their main goal is to be computationally affordable.
It must be emphasized that there is a broad

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