
Incorporating Personal Responsibility in the College Experience

Decent Essays


Success in college requires one to identify key aspects of personal responsibility, understand the relationship between personal responsibility and college success, and establish a specific plan to follow that will ensure he or she incorporates the various elements of personal responsibility in every facet of his or her college experience.
The notion of personal responsibility has been embedded in our culture and as we enter into adulthood we must learn to become personally, academically, financially, socially and mentally responsible. There are times when you may feel you are responsible and may not need or want the help of others in your life. However, life is full of challenges and surprises and it is easy to shift the blame to others if things don’t go your way. You must learn to take responsibility by accepting and acknowledging the choices you make in your live.
You are where you are in life today because of the choice you made. You made decisions that either benefitted or hindered you. How you accept and acknowledges your personal responsibility depends on how you handle the outcomes of your decisions. I look at personal responsibility as you accepting responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences that come from those actions and understanding that these actions impact the world around you.
Life itself is already full of challenges and once you learn to accept the decisions you made and not blaming others for your actions,

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