
Independent Investigation Report

Better Essays

Investigation Report

“How has your independent investigation impacted the development of your Major Work?

Introduction: Assessment of Achievement of Purpose

The central purpose and the theme of the anthology is to represent the effects of living an unfulfilled life. At the time of writing this report, the bulk of the poetry has been completed and so far, the narrative of the poems in their entirety, as well as each individual poem, fulfil this purpose.

The anthology targets two very different demographics and as such, the concept and purpose are two-fold. For young adults the poems act as a cautionary tale against going down a path that leaves one unfulfilled, whether this is a result of the direction one is going in or the vices that …show more content…

The resolution I came to was that I needed to work harder during quieter times, so that I could comfortably place less emphasis on the major work during assessment periods, without falling behind. Moreover, I am determined to make much better use of our class time, as I have found these periods really beneficial for writing and asking for advice and feedback. (185)

Impact and Usefulness of the Investigative Process

The investigative process has been essential in the development of my writing. My investigation included reading a wide array of poetry and literature, and reading about form and meter. This has given me great insight into both the technical and the creative aspects of poetry. A particular book, titled Meter and Meaning (Carper and Attridge, 2007) was extremely beneficial in guiding me through poetic beats, for example:

“We won't talk of stress we won't talk of stress”

This shows how by placing stress on different words, through poetic beat, places emphasis on different ideas. I applied this to my own …show more content…

In the first poem ‘Morning’ there are elements of the final poem ‘Dawn’, emphasising the cyclical nature of the suite which is similar to Beckett’s play. The literary movements of neoclassicism and romanticism, and their differences are personified in the struggle of the main character. This is evident in the sonnet ‘Midday’, where there is a clash between the rigid structure of the workplace environment and what the character wants to achieve: “I longed to create something more divine/but my ideas were rendered moot.” This helped provide a base for the story and accentuates the

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