
Indi A World Leader

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As examined above, the KPO industry in India is a booming and expected to grow 45% in size by 2010.India is currently the most popular destination in the world for KPOs. In KPO, India has been expected to be a world leader. The contribution of KPO will be significant in terms of revenue generation and employment. India is already established itself as a world leader in IT. If it desires to keep its position, it is necessary to take the problems seriously faced by this industry, else newer and fresh destinations such as China, Philippines, Indonesia and Eastern Europe might catch up and could even beat us. KPO will help India a long way in becoming a global superpower and for that the Government and companies in this sector work …show more content…

Care should be taken so that these advantages should not get truncated. Since other countries may try to expand in global KPO market and also develop their skills which could abrade our advantage. But, if the above discussed challenges are addressed in the proper manner, India will undeniably retain its supremacy and emerge as a world leader in KPO.

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