
India 's An Imposition Of Western Culture

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This essay will explore the phenomenon of Bollywood and analyze it as a product of consumerism in India that reflects both the fault lines of globalization and the failures of commercial culture. This will be done by providing a historical context to globalization; an overview of India’s independence movement and emergence as a nation, a brief overview of Bollywood as a commercial entity and identify parallel cultural and economic trends. This essay will proceed to reveal Bollywood as an imposition of Western culture, the product of an intense commercialization of indigenous art forms, and a lens that reflects the dualities in Modern day India. Globalization is a term to describe the increasing wave of globalized markets and the institutions and regimes that uniformly determine access to such markets; namely privatization, free flow of capital, deregulation and foreign investment rights. India currently stands as the world’s largest democracy; a parliamentary system inherited from the British Commonwealth tradition where approximately 700 million citizens enjoy enfranchisement. The fault lines of India’s democracy run parallel with the country’s economic divisions; a profound disparity of wealth is widespread. The large class divisions in Indian society, rooted in the traditional caste system, exacerbated and exploited during the colonial era, have been further entrenched with the rise of Globalization. India’s cultural and religious fabric is a complex and often

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