
Individual And Family Structured Therapy Models Essay

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Within both individual and family structured therapy models, there exists pros and cons. Individual therapy, as mentioned before, is centered around a client–counselor interaction, where the counselor focuses his or her attention on the client’s needs. This provides a one–on–one interaction that encourages openness and security. During individual therapy, the client has the counselors undivided attention. This in return allows the counselor to focus specifically on the clients concerns. As we’ve explored already, individual therapy has proven to be an effective technique in reducing recidivism. One form of psychotherapy used by the criminal justice system is cognitive behavioral therapy. As mentioned previously, cognitive behavioral therapy assumes that most people can become conscious of their own thoughts and behaviors and therefore make a positive change. To make a positive change, its important to understand the theory behind behavior. Cognitive theory of motivation seeks to explain human behavior as a product of information that has been actively processed and interpreted. This perspective runs counter to rationalizing human behavior as automatic responses governed by innate drives, needs, and reactions. Proponents of cognitive motivation assert that people’s expectations guide their behavior. Motivation, is therefore rooted in two basic factors. The first involves available information. Initially, the individual will process a situation based on whatever input is

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