Is not this the pinnacle question to be posed to all Christians when faced with life-changing choices or everyday selections? After professing Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9–13) you are no longer your own (1 Corinthians 6:19). The indwelling Spirit takes up residence in a body once dead, but now alive with His presence (Titus 3:5). What this means to the born again Christian is not so much should the Holy Spirit be involved in every decision you make as it is how much you will be involved with the Holy Spirit’s guidance in making decisions. The indwelling Spirit assists the born again Christian with decision making by helping him to understand and comprehend Scripture like never before and then apply it to daily life (1 Corinthians 2:12).
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According to Scobey (2017), “Early prayer allows us to pray without the anxiety that often accompanies significant decisions” (p. 43). This means we should follow 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (NASB). In this way, prayer without cessation, we will be as prepared as possible for whatever may come our way. Furthermore, “asking God for guidance in circumstances that are not yet upon us can also make us aware of God’s presence today, here and now” (Scobey, 2017, p. 43). The short answer is yes, the Holy Spirit should be involved in every decision you
Be familiar with the following content from The Preface, Introduction, Appendix, & Chapters 1-5 of “Living Out the Mind of Christ: Practical Keys to Discovering and Applying the Mind of Christ in Every Day Life” by Dr. Gutierrez
You may not know it but you also own a portion of the common land in Windrush. There are five small parcels of land that total 5.674 acres of common property that that you own 1/39th of the land in total. Meaning, you own a portion of the whole but not a specific piece of the land. If you owned 1,000 shares of a Corporation that had 10,000 shares outstanding, you couldn’t go in and claim a tenth of the business. You own a tenth of the whole. Now don’t you feel richer for that? We all own that land and we are all responsible for caring for that land. Furthermore, we all get to use that land within the rules established by the Property Owner’s Association, (POA). There is a Corporation that owns the land of which we are all voting shareholders
I had always felt that to pray there had to be some eloquent way to convey the things that you wanted to say to God. I also was often frustrated, as I questioned that if God was all knowing, why was it necessary to pray to him and tell him things he already knew. Throughout my time at NCYC I came to understand my relationship with God less like a human and omniscient being relationship, but more as a parent and child relationship. Though He may already know what you have to tell Him, it is about building the communication and the friendship, so that He can work best in your life. The best analogy that I have heard about this was from one of the leaders of the trip, and he compared life to being in a marching band. From the point of view of the musicians, it seems chaotic and as though people are going in every direction for no apparent reason; however, from up
Our identity is in Him, we have been given a choice to follow that path he has provided for us or to choose to be pawns to the evil all around us. When we choose to follow God, we are then filled with the Holy Spirit. (Romans 7:25) “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.” Your body may die but we will live on forever if we are filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 8:13) As we fill our hearts and minds, we find our gifts and our identity in God and in nothing
This paper on Salvation is defining both objectively and subjectively from the two required reading text. The first text is written by Alistair McGrath’s “Theology: The Basics and the second is written by Dr. Yung Chul Han’s “Transforming Power: Dimension of the Gospel. I will describe how the both texts are in association as well as seeking observations, and other conclusions to gain a better understanding of salvation from both perspectives. According to (Mc.Grath, p.78), the word salvation is referred to as something that has already happened in the past, to something that will happen in the future. Spiritual transformation requires of us what is called dependent responsibility. All the moral commands and exhortations of scripture assume our responsibility. Salvation is deliverance from danger or suffering. The word salvation carries the idea of victory, health, or preservation ( Salvation can be viewed as a spiritual transformation which the dependency of the Holy Spirit assist in the change of a believers past, self to a vessel of God in the present lives which exemplifies life, deliverance, peace, and a victory won through personal conviction. The victory is one that only Jesus Christ has authority save us which gives believers complete approval to have possession to enter the kingdom of heaven.
No person can trust his own heart (Proverbs 28:26); for, it is not in man to direct his own steps. (Jeremiah 10:23) The Bible is our guide. It directs us in this world and it leads us to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, to repent of our sins, to confess our faith in Him and then submit to baptism for the remission of sins. (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:37-38; Acts
In a contemporary Christian environment one of the most prominent practices to have a significant contribution to Christianity as a living religious tradition is Baptism. Baptism is of utmost importance for most Christian denominations. It has profound significance for the individual who is baptised and is also important for the Christian community as a whole. As a sacrament of initiation, Baptism calls its adherents to become missionary Disciples of Christ. It is through baptism that one’s faith journey begins and Christians are called to follow and live their lives in the light of Christ.
As I’ve been pondering my becoming project, I’ve come to relies that I’ve grown in ways that I never thought I needed to. At the beginning I was having a very hard time trying to figure out what Christ like attribute that I need to work on most. As I prayed and ponder and look at the all the Christ like attributes it stood out to was believing. I started to ask myself why, why do I need to need to believe more in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Well going thru this semester I have found out why. There is so many reason why we need to straighten a Christ like attribute.
Discipleship students, or those who already have a faith commitment, tend to immediately join one of two categories. The first, or Stagnant, students are those who “made a decision to follow Christ at some time in life but never really grew in faith.” These students, from the outside, look very similar to the world as “the distinction between churched and unchurched students is rapidly shrinking.” These students require time to draw them into a
Regarding doctrine, Adams says that exposing clients to biblical teaching provides them with practical implications for living. The second step is reproof, wherein the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the lives of individuals through the witness of the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit not only leads the client to repentance, but also works through the counselor as a reflection of the love of God. The third step is correction and involves the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the lives of individuals to help them stand upright and bear fruit indicative of the repentance that has taken place in their lives. The final step is instruction in righteousness, which pertains to the disciplined lifestyle wherein clients exercise a life of godliness. During this step, clients are held accountable for their actions, decisions and thoughts. Adams resigns that the Bible is infallible, propositional, inerrant and sufficient for counseling needs because it addresses every issue of life, either directly or principally (Liberty University, Baker, 2015).
The Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of people before, and after the baptism. God bestows upon all the baptized persons the anointing and promise of the Holy Spirit and marks them with a seal that makes the baptized claim the inheritance as God’s children. The Holy spirits also nurtures the life of faith in the hearts of those who are baptized.
So much of society seems to live his/her life on a sort of self-serving autopilot mode. Rarely does one stop to think how or why he/she is making certain decisions or how these decisions can affect his/her life in the future. Often times, it is not until one has a “string of bad luck” or something tragic happens in one’s life, when he/she will turn to Jesus for help “getting them through this problem” only to return to one’s self-centered ways once his/her life has returned to normal. Living life with a Christian worldview is not something that one can take off a shelf and use when needed and allow it to collect dust on that shelf the rest of the time. This paper will discuss the many parts that make
From the NIV, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.” (2 Timothy
Anyone compelled by the spirit of God to be reinstated back in His Devine family only needs to confess publicly that Jesus is Lord, and believe in his heart that he was resurrected by God from the dead. You have to have once been indulged in the story of Jesus and believe it. And, you have to once make a public confession that Jesus is Lord. That will qualify you as being saved from the lost world and be reinstated in the family of God. However, in order to be a true disciple of Christ and honestly carry the title of being a true Christian, that takes a process. One is saved instantly. However, a person is a Christian by virtue of a firm and honest conviction that this person has made to follow the instructions or commandments of God in a new life that’s been made possible by Jesus. To be a Christian is a complete rebirth. You know nothing on the same basis that you have before, and you have come to practice all in an entire new way. Christianity affects every aspect of the life of the individual who chose to join into this new society of saints. It is the world of the followers of Christ. It is the world of discipleship for the kingdom of God. It is your entire old world
Some people may be scared to give their life to Christ because they’re scared he will set them out and judge them for their sin. Walking with Christ has helped me grow as a person spiritually and giving my life healing. Having Christ in my life gives me comfort with myself. Since getting right with Christ, it has changed my personal mind set. As well having Christ in my life has helped me feel whole as a person. Romans 10:9 says “If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” As a Christian you have a chance to begin a new spiritual life as well as start your life over. “New beginnings with God are possible no matter how spiritually low you have gotten”. The lord forgives your sins, gives you eternal life and never leaves you side. God has a plan for you and would never cast you out or judge you for you sins. Everyone should have a chance to start a new beginning.