
Ineffectiveness : Ineffectiveness At Its Best

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Ineffectiveness at its Best According to Buckminster Fuller “ You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Fuller is stating that fighting is not the alternate way to go for what is happening in the moment. Which means must one must to rise above the what has happened. Protesting is an ineffective way because it is a psychological issue, creates chaos, and sometimes an ironic situation. Before people protest, they first create a reason to protest. Racism is not a genetic trait; it is an influence, an ideology from people within the same environment. According to John Hopkins’ study, “Research has shown that these unique experiences make it difficult for some Black and Latino/a students to succeed academically. Students of color often report problems with social isolation and academic integration.” To clarify, racism still has a toll of mental divide among society;furthermore, increases the stress of the minorities that leaves them in a disadvantage. Similar data gather from Jane Elliot in her experiment of the “A Class Divided”, Elliot influenced the third graders that the brown eyes are superior for a day, gaining many benefits, while the blue eye children looked down upon; also, concluded that the children who were labeled inferior statistically did worst on test than when they were labeled superior. Racism an ideology that people portray with their racial slurs in

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