
Sieyes What Is The Third Estate Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Inequality has and continues to be an issue in the world. Whether its gender, social, political, or inequality of class, the problem of vast inequality is a reoccurring issue, that I predict will be an issue that will never be fixed. Several authors over the years have attempted to describe the issue and come up with a solution, such as Emmanuel Sieyes and Herbert Spencer. Emmanuel Sieyes wrote a political pamphlet called “What is the Third Estate,” as a response to how he believed Estates-General should be arranged and organized. In his pamphlet Sieyes argues the importance of the third estate versus the first and second estates: the clergy and aristocracy. His opinions in turn had extreme influence among the French Revolution for the working class. Sieyes stated that the third estate should have equal representation among the other estates, therefore because the …show more content…

This inequality results from different groups earning different amounts therefore affecting quality of life. Comparing and contrasting the lifestyles of those in an upper, middle and lower class, there are extreme differences between them. They both argue for smaller government, which continues to be an issue today. Large government controls a lot of the economy and in turn control more of our daily life than we know. The solution of smaller government, may potentially be the solution. Throughout their writing, both authors argue that the upper class holds far too much control, for the middle and lower class are the workers doing all the work. Much of the government is made up of the upper class, those of wealth and little hardship. How can someone in the upper class be in charge of the government? Someone who understands the lower classes and how everyone works, needs to be the one in control. Unfortunately, I believe the issue of inequality between classes will be a constant struggle for ages to

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