
Infant Stimulation Assignment: Developmental Psychology

Decent Essays

Erika Wise
Infant Stimulation Assignment

When first reading through the articles and not having done the web search yet, I was really conflicted in my decision on what to believe and what not to believe. Before even reading any of the articles I had a mindset that there were critical periods of development. I distinctly remember learning that in my developmental psychology class and I recall briefly touching upon it in child psychopathology as well as in my developmental psychology: social development course. I always learned and remembered that development does rely on timing and there are stages where if you don’t develop a skill during a certain time period then it could be lost forever or could result in a deficit in development …show more content…

I began to feel confident that there are typical age onsets for most children to go through. One website showed that during the first three years, there are critical periods for things like motor skills to develop. And other sites listed the same facts about these ages. I now believe, even if it could be wrong, that some skills do have critical periods, yet in the back of my mind I also think there are some skills that can be more lenient than others where it could be more of a sensitive period in which it’s okay that a child develops a skill at a later age. As the one article on Developmental Science and the Media even informs me that important or main experiences must take place during sensitive or critical periods of heightened sensitivity, overall informing me that both are true in infant development. If certain experiences do not happen in either of these periods then it could be possible for deficits to take place in the child’s psychological functioning later in …show more content…

I would like my child to have a secure attachment, which is proven to help development later on in life and to be the best for child development from what I learned in previous courses and research studies. Yet, I do not believe that a parent should pressure a child at a young age to take on too many skills at once during their development because I feel it could overload them, as some websites did mention. Yet I do think it’d be beneficial for the child to go through infant stimulation, just not too intensive as I just previously mentioned. I feel you shouldn’t go beyond what an infant in typical normal development would learn, such as teaching a child advanced mathematics or too complex words. I feel that’s overdoing it. Yet, to teach them the basics of development at an early age during development is sufficient and advancing them to practicing those skills more often such as reading more often, or talking more often, rather than throwing more advanced skills above their level or development at them, if that makes sense. As a parent, I feel you will have to adjust to your child’s needs and abilities, like the one website even

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