
Influence Of Muscular Dystrophy

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Inheritance of Muscular Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy is a condition that affects the growth of muscles in the body. MD effects for the most part manly males (1 in every 7,250 males) ( There are two main forms of MD, one is call Duchenne MD and the other Becker MD with a lifespan average of 30 years old. Duchenne MD is the more severe form because no dystrophin is formed, when this happens the symptoms are shown in early childhood usually by age 5. Becker MD is not as severe it is caused by misshapen dystrophin, when this happens symptoms are shown later in life usually at age 10-20. Researchers identified that a gene in the X chromosome that when flawed it is the cause of MD. Dystrophin is the gene that is needed in the X chromosome to have fully functioning muscle development. MD is inherited in only the X chromosome so males have a 50% chance of inheriting the condition if the mother is a carrier, but females have a very low risk because they get an X chromosome from both mother and father. This condition is an X-linked recessive pattern. If a female inherits a mutated dystrophin gene from one of her parents, she will usually get a healthy dystrophin gene from her other parent because the father can pass the recessive gene in the X chromosomes. The female becomes a carrier just like her mother because the mutation is still in her genes . A male who mother who’s is a carrier has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation and if they do inherit the gene they will develop the disease because they can not rely on …show more content…

It is a X-linked recessive gene that is pass down from the mother and affects the development growth of males offspring, and also can be passed down to the female offspring but very really.. MD has a high inheritance rate of 50% in males. Males can not pass MD to the offsprings. MD is a really interesting but sad diseases because of the inheritance and

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