
Influence Of Plato's Censorship Of Music

Decent Essays

Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher and a student of Socrates, a classical Greek philosopher. Later on in his life Plato founded the Academy in Athens, which taught higher education and was the first Academy in the Western world. Plato censored music because he did not want children to be exposed to bad material, he believes it is the State’s job to educate its citizens, and the state should only allow good art and material and it should suppress the bad. I disagree with Plato’s censoring of music because people will not learn as much. If music and education are censored people will have no choices of what they’re interested in and they won’t be able to look outside the box at things. Learning is very good for people whether they are learning bad or good things. People can be bad no matter what they’re education is. I believe education is not the source behind bad decisions. In the Republic, Plato says a great deal of his beliefs and the reasons behind them. For example, in the Republic Book 2, lines 377a-378d talks about how children must learn about music first. Plato wants children well educated so when they’re older, society stays the same and everyone will be smart. In the Republic Book 3 lines 401a-402b, Plato mentions that they need to watch what the State is teaching everyone and that they need to suppress the bad. He believes that young men will benefit from only being shown and hearing about highly educated things. Plato and Socrates want everyone to be taught

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