It is seen throughout history that we humans are violent, and sometimes with violence comes murder. Think back to the good ole days when guns had not been invented yet. What did people use to kill? Swords, bows and arrows, booby traps, poison, and a variety of other weapons were used, and were those ever outlawed? No, they were not because the people had a right to defend themselves against their enemies. Logically, doesn’t it make more sense that if someone were to fight another, then wouldn’t it be better if they were unarmed? So, with that being said, is it possible that if our Government is trying to take away our right to bear arms, then it wouldn’t be too far-fetched that the Government of the United States sees its people as a potential threat to their power? I believe that if the United States Government is trying to potentially take away our rights to bear arms, then we the people must stand up for that right and defend it because it is our unalienable right and nobody, not even the Government can take …show more content…
As a matter of fact, according to the web source ‘Public Intelligence’ almost eighty percent of these shootings in the years of twenty-eleven through twenty-thirteen have been linked to these individuals having a type of mental illness. So, what can we do to solve this problem? If not solve, then what can we do make it better and help the people of the United States feel safe without having to take away gun rights? If our nation placed back ground checks for private sellers and non private sellers than we could potentially see a dramatic drop in these mass homicides. However tragic these events may be, it still doesn’t justify the Government attempting to seize our unalienable rights. In fact, the definition of unalienable rights is something that cannot be taken, sold or transferred, it is a gift from the creator to the individual to the
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a complete stranger who is in your house, threatening to harm you, and your family, and you cannot do anything about it. Imagine, not being able to go target shooting or hunting, because there are laws passed to prevent you from owning a firearm. The truth is, more and more people in this country are trying to restrict law-abiding people from owning firearms due to the overwhelming rise in gun related crimes. As law abiding citizens, the constitution gives us the right to bear arms. Whether it is for recreation or protection,
For many years now, the debate on whether or not American citizens should or shouldn't be allowed to be in possession of a concealed weapon has been a constant trend. Gun possession has been a part of American culture for many years, as militia's and minutemen were a necessity in the past. It has become a constitutional right for an American citizen to "keep and bear arms" according to the Bill of Rights created in 1791. Because of this, America the top first-world country with the most access to firearms. Today, it is popular belief that because of the easy access to guns, criminals can execute crimes with ease. This ongoing argument has been the cause of creating and disbanding gun laws in many states. Where I stand on this debate leans
Only this month, 59 were killed and over 500 people were injured during a country music concert in Vegas in what is now known as the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Last year, 49 were killed and 58 were injured in a gay nightclub in Florida. In 2012, a mass shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School took 27 lives, 20 of them being first graders. The list of these unthinkable and stomach-churning acts is quickly turning endless, forcing us to rethink why we truly have the right to bear arms. Many defend the second amendment by claiming we need this right for self defense, which is the most wretched part.When we look at what we have lost compared to what we have earned in this fight to keep the right to bear arms, this privilege does not seem worth the sacrifice of so many lives. In today’s world, we do not defense through guns but from them. Our policymakers keep trying to reach a compromise by putting in place certain regulations. “Some states require would-be gun owners to fulfill a firearms safety course in order to obtain their license.” “Such training courses, however, even when not required, are very advisable for the would-be gun owner, as they ensure that he or she has all the necessary information on liability issues, on safety, and even on care and maintenance of the gun” ( How to Get a Gun License 1). This lack of attention illustrates that despite the multiple tragedies that have taken place in our nation, some states do not even require a simple safety course that ensures the safety of our people. Furthermore, it is required that one must pass a background check. The questions asked on the test are the following:
Since I was a little girl, I remember hunting season; Dad and Katlyn, my sister, would come home to say they killed a deer. Even though I did not enjoy hunting, I still see how much they love to go; hunting great bonding time for them. My dad taught my sister and me how important gun safety is. He has shown us how to carry a gun properly, never to aim it at anyone, never put our finger on the trigger until ready to shoot, and always leave the safety button on until ready to shoot as well. In my house guns are always hidden or locked up in a safe, only Dad knows the combination, so no intruder can get to them. Guns are a very serious item. I was raised to understand guns are not something to joke around about; if they are in the hands
The right to bear and keep arms comes from the Second Amendment adopted in 1791. There has been many shootings in U.S. history. One of the most frequent being the Las Vegas shooting killing 59 people and injuring 241. The deadliest shooting in modern U.S. Before that was the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, only 10 years ago. The second deadliest modern shooting was only a year ago being the Orlando nightclub. Which scares me for what could happen in the future. People who are mentally ill are able to get guns when they should not. The CDC states that guns are responsible for 33,000 deaths a year in the U.S. with ⅔’s being suicides. For a bigger perspective how shootings are a problem here, it is shown that the U.S. is responsible for 31% of public mass shootings. Our homicide rate is ⅙ of Canada’s. These statistics should raise our concern on what type of people own gun and push for stricter regulations.
The United States is in a controversy of whether or not the Second Amendment is protecting our country or killing it. The United States owns approximately 250 million guns, nearly one for each citizen, and grows about 7 million each year. Experts believe that the Second Amendment in the Constitution is rational and legal, author of, Handgun Prohibition and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment Don B. Kates states that the “Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that weapon for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home; however, they do not say that you can go around shooting people and claiming that you are
The right to bear arms is your second amendment right, this gives opportunities for mentally insane people to hold weapons and shoot without discretion. I see that the second amendment was placed by our forefathers as a means to protect ourselves, yet most of the people with weapons want to fire it at a gun range, so why doesn't the government keep these guns in safe location such as gun ranges and charge people to shoot with these guns. Nowadays these weapons given through our rights have caused many mass shootings even recently the tragedy that took place in Las Vegas where a male shot killed and injured hundreds of people through the use of his multiple weapons in his hotel room on the 32nd floor. This only the most recent one, there have been many more, there is no limit to what these weapons can kill, from non-human animals to human children to adults. One a weapon is shot at a person they will either die or have a serious injury, if weapon is shot at the wrong place it can even paralyze a person limiting their movements later on in their lives. Some states have placed limits and have somewhat taken initiative to stop these lunatics from getting weapons by lengthening the background test, making taking the background tesst hard and only choosing those who are a good fit to be able to carry a weapon that can take someone's life away in the the matter of seconds.
Gun control in the United States has been a hot debate for years. In the year 2015 there were 372 mass shootings in the United States ( (Rienzi, 2016), sparking even more debate. 22% of Americans own firearms (Rienzi, 2016) and firmly believe in the second amendment of the constitution. Surely, an agreement on gun law reform can be met while also protecting the second amendment. Right?
The right to keep and bear arms was considered a fundamental, individual right in the original 13 colonies from the pre-Revolutionary period through the ratification of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution in 1791. The Amendment states: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right to keep and bear arms has been a topic of extreme controversy in this century and can be argued equally from both sides. The first side says that it is our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. On the flip side, it is too dangerous and would increase the number of violent crimes. No matter which side is
With the topic of gun control comes a widely split crowd. There are those that believe that gun control is necessary for decreasing crime and making a nation a safer place to live. And on the other end of the spectrum, they are those that speak of how anti-gun control is what would make our nation a safer place to live. After all, ?Would a person be as likely to break into another family's home knowing that the family has means of personal protection?? (Warren 308). ?Most everyone will agree that felons, addicts, morons, juveniles, alcoholics, the mentally incompetent, and others in whose hands even an ice pick or a baseball bat becomes a deadly weapon, should be denied a gun.? (Selib 202) However, what about those individuals that are
Former Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer once said "Yes, people pull the trigger - but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror". Spitzer’s words makes one think: should we fear the person behind the gun or the gun itself? The majority of violent crimes that happen in America are not only caused by a criminal, but also the weapon in which the criminal is holding. America’s gun violence problem stems from the increasing accessibility of firearms. Many of the mass shootings in America could have been prevented if access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons were completely banned. Gun violence is an arising issue, and a change needs to be made concerning the gun laws in the U.S. Stricter gun control laws is necessary to prevent high accessibility to firearms and mass shootings, also research shows that Australia’s strict gun control laws are proven to be more efficient in preventing gun violence.
Gun control is a very controversial issue among society at present. Many feel guns are the cause of a great amount of crime. This has been an especially popular topic recently in lieu of the shooting at Columbine and other high schools across the country. Are these crimes reason to take away our freedom to bear arms? I do not believe so. The average person uses guns mainly as a means of protection. If limitations are placed on guns, they will only stop the average American from obtaining a gun. The real criminals out there will still be able to obtain guns through the black market. Every American should have the right to protect them self.
Gun control has become more of a hot topic in recent years. Some believe that there is no need for additional gun control. On the other hand, we have some that believe that the government can improve gun laws. Although many believe that gun control will violate their rights, the idea of stricter gun control laws can help communities.
There are two different arguments and interpretations of the second amendment. The first being that only the militia should have the right to bear arms, whereas the second being that the amendment give every citizen the right to bar arms. There is proof that the second amendment gives every citizen the right to bear arms; Thomas Jefferson said that, “No free man shall be debarred the use of arms. ("Second Amendment to the United States Constitution")” Patrick Henery Said, “The great object is that every man be armed. ("The James Madison Research Library and Information Center")” Even James Madison who introduced the bill of rights said that, its amendments “relate first to private rights. ("2014 NRA-ILA Firearms Fact Card")” So Americans have the right to bear arms. Violence is bad in the United States, and guns are being targeted as the problem, however criminals kill people not guns. If a person wanted to kill someone they would find another way to do it. The problem is not the guns it is the criminals. Banning far arms would not stop violence; banning firearms would increase
The right to bear arms is a wonderful thing. The law is great for multiple reasons and should not be taken away by Obama. Reason one for the right to bear arms is to be used as self defense in case of an attack by another person. Reason two for the right to bear arms helps citizens to save their own life and live a safe life. Reason three, in order to get a gun the person must go under a background check. Reason four, people are excluded if they have a criminal act against someone. Reason five, this law does not carelessly let a person own a firearm.