
Informative Essay: Should The Government Take Away The Right To Bear Arms

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It is seen throughout history that we humans are violent, and sometimes with violence comes murder. Think back to the good ole days when guns had not been invented yet. What did people use to kill? Swords, bows and arrows, booby traps, poison, and a variety of other weapons were used, and were those ever outlawed? No, they were not because the people had a right to defend themselves against their enemies. Logically, doesn’t it make more sense that if someone were to fight another, then wouldn’t it be better if they were unarmed? So, with that being said, is it possible that if our Government is trying to take away our right to bear arms, then it wouldn’t be too far-fetched that the Government of the United States sees its people as a potential threat to their power? I believe that if the United States Government is trying to potentially take away our rights to bear arms, then we the people must stand up for that right and defend it because it is our unalienable right and nobody, not even the Government can take …show more content…

As a matter of fact, according to the web source ‘Public Intelligence’ almost eighty percent of these shootings in the years of twenty-eleven through twenty-thirteen have been linked to these individuals having a type of mental illness. So, what can we do to solve this problem? If not solve, then what can we do make it better and help the people of the United States feel safe without having to take away gun rights? If our nation placed back ground checks for private sellers and non private sellers than we could potentially see a dramatic drop in these mass homicides. However tragic these events may be, it still doesn’t justify the Government attempting to seize our unalienable rights. In fact, the definition of unalienable rights is something that cannot be taken, sold or transferred, it is a gift from the creator to the individual to the

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