
Informative Essay: What Is Lupus?

Decent Essays

What is lupus? Think about it, don’t grab a phone or look it up. Think about it and learn about it. What is lupus? What are some things you have heard or thought of that can be proven or denied today in this essay? Will there be answered, questions or more questions. In this essay, research, statistics and exploration of this topic are an important factor. Next, will look at the different authors and their research on lupus. Daniel J. Wallace, M.D. wrote a guide for patients and their families entitled, “The Lupus Book,” to provide why lupus is an extremely important disease for many reasons (3). What is lupus? Wallace states that in simple terms, lupus erythematosus (lupus means “wolf” and erythematosus means “redness” (Nass 2)), develops when the body becomes allergic to itself (5). Which is why there are eleven types of criteria that define lupus. Wallace states that “the first four criteria concern the skin: sun sensitivity, mouth sores, butterfly rashes, and discoid (resembling a disk) lesion. The second four criteria are associated with specific organ …show more content…

and Dodi Schultz wrote a completely updated and revised edition titled “Lupus: The Body Against Itself,” Blau and Schultz stress “the lack of space and attention towards lupus (3). “Lupus afflicts, as we pointed out, at least half a million and probably close to a million Americans; most of those it strikes are young women” (3). Which with women being the most common to have lupus Wallace pointed out that the types of lupus erythematosus are: Cutaneous 10%, Systemic 70%, Non-organ-threatening 35%, Organ- threatening 35%, Drug-induced 10%, and crossover or overlap syndrome and/ or MCTD 10% (Wallace 7). Wallace also points out that it is very possible- indeed probable- that in the next 30 years we will be able to identify patients at risk for developing SLE by using HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) testing or other methods and that we’ll then vaccinate them to prevent lupus (Wallace

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