
Informative Speech On Chinese New Year

Decent Essays

Chinese New Year
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience the meaning behind the Chinese New Year animals and there meaning
Central Idea: Today I will be telling you what the animals mean to the people, what to do to prepare for the new year, and what you do on the days of the new year.

I) Have you even eaten at a Chinese restaurant and see twelve animals either on your place mat or on a poster on the wall?
A) This is because the Chinese use this twelve-animal calendar which is based on an ancient Chinese Calendar.
II) Instead of using their birth months for their zodiac they use their birth year.
A) It’s interesting to find out what animal you are and see if it’s true or not.
III) The Chinese New Year can be called the Lunar New Year as well as the Spring Festival (Mazzei, 2016).
IV) You personally have your favorite holiday here, but for the Chinese the Lunar New Year is hands down the most important festal to everyone.
V) For the past couple of weeks, I have been researching the Chinese New Year and I am here today to share what I have found.
A) This is just super fascinating to me and I encourage you to keep an ear open so when you hear about the Chinese New Year on the news you can say hey I know about that.
VI) Today I will be telling you what the animals mean to the people, what to do to prepare for the new year, and what you do on the days of the new year.

I) The animals might just seem like animals to you but to the

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