
Informative Speech On Enterovirus

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As a single mother of two boys, five and thirteen, I have seen and heard a lot about a virus called the enterovirus. Not really quite understanding what I was hearing on the news and reading in the newspaper I wanted to learn more. I am the type of person who worries over everything and with every little cough or running nose my child has I couldn’t help but wonder if I should be calling the doctor to get them in to double check their symptoms. Of course my oldest son thinks I am over reacting and proceeds to give me the “oh mom look” along with the rolling of the eyes and all, anytime I bring up the fact that I am worried about them developing something then the common cold. Being a parent, one of my biggest concerns, is that I will misjudge …show more content…

If you come into contact with someone who sneezes or coughs on you that is infected or you touch an infected surface. Most people will be sick for about a week but the virus can stay in the body for several weeks, meaning that they could be getting other people sick even if they are feeling better. When going to see your physician for symptoms described above, you may wonder how the enterovirus is determined. Generally enterovirus infections are most often diagnosed by clinical symptoms. Blood tests are done infrequently; the best test is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that is available from specialized laboratories and used most often during outbreaks of viral infections. In addition, it is useful to distinguish between enterovirus infections and other viral infections like rotavirus and influenza viruses. Infrequently, the infecting enterovirus will be isolated by cell cultures taken from the blood, feces, or cerebrospinal fluid and then identified by further immunologic tests. Other tests such as chest X-rays, echocardiography, lumbar puncture, and ECGs may help determine the extent of infection (medicinenet). There is no specific medications that will treat the enterovirus D68. The best bet is to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. Over-the-counter pain reliever is a good thing to take to help relieve the body aches and help with

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