
Informed Consent Form For Participation

Better Essays

Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX

Informed Consent Form for Participation in Research

Title: Effect of Aquarobics Combined Treatment in Asthmatic Patients

You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form.

Introduction The purpose of this form is to provide you information that may affect you decision as to whether or not to participate in this research study. The person performing the research will answer any of your questions. Please read the information below and ask any questions you might have before deciding whether or not to participate in the study. If you decide to be involved in this study, this form will be used as evidence of consent.

About the Research You have been asked to participate in a study looking …show more content…

It measures how much and how quickly you can move air out of your longs. For this test, you breathe into a mouthpiece following the instructions of the technician. The mouthpiece is connected to a recording device, the spirometer, which collects information about your lungs and breathing. A spirometry takes about 30 minutes.
• Take aquarobic classes three times a week offered in our facility for 2 weeks. Aquarobic classes will be about 30 minutes long and will be supervised by a doctor.
• Continue taking your current medications as usual.

How long will the study take? The study will be four weeks long in total. During that time, it will necessary for you to come to the clinic once the first and once the fourth week of the study for the spirometry test. During the second and third weeks, you will need to participate in aquarobic classes three days. These three days are flexible to match your schedule. After the last visit on the fourth week for the spirometry test, the study will be finished.

What are the risks involved in this study? Possible risks associated with this study include exhaustion or tiredness and forced breathing during and after aquarobic treatment. Moreover, it is possible that the aquarobics may not be beneficial. The aquarobic classes will only include basic and fundamental exercises and you are permitted to stop at any time you feel uncomfortable. A doctor will be on-site to attend any discomfort or

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