
Inquiry Process Analysis

Decent Essays

How will the criteria be communicated to or created with the students?
Throughout this inquiry process the criteria will be created in a mixture of ways. Some of the assessment pieces are created by the teacher while others will be created with the students. Furthermore, sometimes the assessment pieces will be made as a result from my observations or notes. I think the criteria should be communicated to students before the actual assessment takes place. Thus, if they do not understand this gives them the opportunity to ask any questions needed and allows myself to make any changes that are necessary. Above I have mentioned the major assessments as a rubric, oral discussion/checklist, and a self assessment. I have decided to focus mostly on students oral and drawing skills since the students in the classroom struggle with writing down full assessments. Thus, they will be able to fully express their understanding and learning without the struggle of writing everything down.

Where will students have the opportunity to share …show more content…

These activities are all apart of the formative assessment that will take place throughout the inquiry process. Since these tasks are not graded they will be constantly receiving feedback and be able to revise and improve their learning. I think students will learn a great deal from each other, which is why I am so fond of the graffiti wall. Students will be working on a graffiti wall that will be ongoing throughout the inquiry process. I believe this wall will help students reflect on their learning, which will allow them to also improve their own understanding. The wall allow students to see what others are learning and will deepen their own understanding in the process. By working together as a class to create this master piece students will be able to revise and be given feedback on their

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