
Inside Out Sociology

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The cinematic masterpiece that is Inside Out (2015) tackles the difficulties of growing into your emotions through prepubescent years, and does so in a very clear and humorous manner. It has done so through personifying emotions based on the concepts of social constrictions on positive behaviour, depression and the requirement of familial communication and support during these times. This movie is aimed at children and young adults, age brackets struggling with their emotive identity, which is why the metaphorical nature of storytelling is imperative especially with younger audiences as “Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth ,” as stated by Albert Camus. Ideologies are best communicated through didactic films such as Inside Out. SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS …show more content…

Constant glee is often viewed as manic or a mental illness of sorts, so why do we expect children to be well behaved and cheery all the time? This could be because society cannot handle sadness. Is sadness really such a shameless emotion? In a way, Riley’s head is almost a microcosm of society, because in both scenarios Sadness is being pushed into the background or in a circle of sadness. Despite Riley’s distressing life change, Riley must “stay [her parent’s] happy little girl, ” regardless of the pain she goes through. Many scientists cannot identify the societal need for sadness, believing its involvement mostly focusing on others pitying a crying person in order to communicate better. It is only in the resolution of the story, where Riley stops behaving cheerfully and admits her feelings, that she reconciles with her parents. For this reason, fiction is the best medium to explain ideologies in simpler terms to younger audiences, like when to put joy aside and express any sadness

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