
Installation Art Analysis

Decent Essays

Installation art is an embodied and immersive experience, which can affect the way people navigate and experience a particular space. It has the ability to activate the viewer’s mechanisms of perception and ultimately awareness of a place. This occurs through the stimulation of the senses by interaction or awakening one’s perception through disorientation. Installation art directly presents the elements texture, space, light and so on for us to experience. Artist works hard to express and experiment with feelings, emotions and viewpoints through various medium that can influence and enlighten people. They break the limitations of conventional architectural practice through its “exploration of sensory stimulation and spatial perception”. Phenomenal …show more content…

Kusama is a conceptual artist and self-proclaimed ‘obsessive’, whose daring works has been dealing with notions of repetition. Her stunning and wildly abstract composition of dots, the ‘Obliteration Room’ is entirely covered with endless coloured dots, which is a representation of the artist’s psyche, wherein hallucinations have haunted her since childhood. She utilized “ready-made” materials, stickers to create her immersive installation. Kusama’s ongoing obsession with repetition creates an infinity perception of the space, which creates an illusory atmosphere that confuses the viewer’s perception and spatial orientation. The unique sensory and psychological experience enables each viewer to momentarily get “lost” in Kusama’s mesmerizing world. The choice of a domestic environment with specifically local characteristics is intended to create an air of familiarity that makes participants, especially children, comfortable to engage with the installation with little or no prompting. Kusama really fits into art history, and she was there in late Surrealism and the birth of Pop Art. She has a relationship to Minimalism and in the beginnings of performing art, but she was never attached to any one movement for very long. Ultimately, we can see that Kusama challenged the prevailing moral frameworks to engage the audience in a different

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