
Instructional Strategies For High School Teachers

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This instructional unit will consist of seven, one hour lessons, in which learners can participate by means of face-to-face instruction or with online tutorials. The unit of instruction is intended for high school teachers who are certified by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). In order to demonstrate their competence in the International Society for Technology in Education Standards for Teachers (ISTE-T), these educators will to develop an e-portfolio that fulfils the requirements of these competencies. Please see the various sections below for more details on the instructional unit.
Instructional Goal
Following a combination of in-school, face-to-face classes and a collection of comprehensive, centralized training resources, easily accessible from the school district website, all SBEC certified classroom teachers at the high school will publish a comprehensive e-portfolio with artifacts that demonstrate technology skills meeting the ISTE-T standards.
Instructional Objectives
1. Given “Home Page” and “Course Syllabus” templates, learners will populate the contents of each field, by means of the Schoolwires Editor with a score of at least 4 out of 5 on a 5-point scale rubric.
2. Learners will apply appropriate web design and text standards to the contents of their “Meet the Teacher” and “Policies and Procedures” pages, by means of the Schoolwires “Content” and “About the Teacher” apps, published pages will score at least 4 out of 5 on a

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