
Insulin Injections: A Case Study

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In a article written by the Joslin diabetes center, they compare insulin injections versus insulin pumps and they stated that the injections required education and training. The use of insulin pumps and injection therapy is cheaper than pump therapy a lot of people don't realize how much training and education is involved with pump, therefore injections are a more easier method. The cons of having insulin injections is that low blood glucose levels can happen because diabetics can be using many different kinds of insulin. Frequent injections can also mean that the patient can develop a resistant in areas of the body where the insulin may not be absorbed correctly. With the insulin pump the pump does deliver insulin continuously throughout …show more content…

After each meal the electrodes will generate a current for about 10 minutes. It draws the glue near the surface of the skin and it allows the device to read the glucose levels. The glucose will then be carried by sodium ions that have a positive charge. This measures how strong the charge is underneath the skin. The sensors then estimate how much glucose is in the bloodstream. Researchers tested the device on seven nondiabetic people and have found that the tattoos glucose measurements were consistent with a traditional finger prick test method. A nano engineering graduate Amay Bandodkar, who was working on this stated that each temporary tattoo would work for up to five days and the cost that the user would incur will only be a few cents per tattoo. This device is an update on other devices like the Goca watch, it was released in 2002 and used electrochemical technology. The watch was never widely used because it caused skin irritation, but he notes that the tattoo would have the same effect as the watch, because they use a different method of measuring glucose as well as a lower electrical current. It is important to know that this is not the first time that researchers have tried to develop diabetic testing methods using tattoos. In 2010 a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology came up with a nano particle, that when it was injected below the skin and matched up with the sensor could monitor glucose for up to six months before there was a need for it to be refreshed. However this method was not tested on humans. Amay hopes to develop a sensor that functions continuously so that it can provide numerical readings of glucose levels. The team is also hopeful to expand the devices capabilities and perhaps offer other noninvasive ways to deliver medicine.However as with most things with their pros there also cons there is still a ways to go before

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