
Intellectual Property Is The Legal Term

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According to Wikipedia, Intellectual property is the legal term that refers to the creation of minds, such as inventors, music, literature, artistic works, words, phrases, symbol and designs. Under intellectual property law, the owner of intellectual property is granted certain exclusive rights.
Basically, Intellectual property is the term that refers to the creation of mind: inventions, literary and artistic work; names, symbol and images used in commerce, trade. Intellectual property is divided into two kinds
Copyright: It covers literary works (for instance poems, magazines, novels and plays), music, films, artistic works (such as paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographs) and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of producers of phonograms in their recordings, television programs and artists in their performances.
• Industrial property: It includes all the trademarks, patents for inventions, geographical indications and industrial designs and infrastructure.

E-business is the business application of data and communication technologies in support of all the activities of business. Commerce set up the exchange of product and services between businesses, teams and people might be seen joined of the essential activities of any business. Electronic commerce focus on the information and communication technologies and uses this to create relationships of the business with individual, groups and other e-businesses refers to business with the

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