
Intelligence : The Negative Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

Decent Essays

For the time we have had to develop ourselves, and our communities, we also have been developing new intelligence. Artificial intelligence is making a rise within our economy, mainly in the job force, now we all know that means few jobs for honest working people. AI, (artificial intelligence), is everywhere and it is becoming smarter, and smarter everyday, even this computer I am typing on is artificial intelligence. AI has a very negative impact on our people today, people are being let go from their jobs, and why? Because of a robot named Steve for example, Steve is a faster worker, with no attitude, and has only one priority, to cook, and maybe clean. Robots are taking over, and it possible to stop it but we don’t, and do we really need to say why? Obviously we do, humans don’t stop the production of AI because humans don’t want to work, they want things to do it for them, and then they complain about how they lost their job, and why was that? Because was a much better worker than you were. AI does have positive impacts, for example, a dishwasher, ha sadly that’s me at home, but yes a dishwasher, does it always do it right the first time, no, but it does have one job, and one job only, to clean dishes. AI is used in schools, computers, calculators, sometimes even teachers, AI can teach us how to do calculus, now that is incredible. But AI is also possibly one of the worst things the human race has created, we have created a new humanoid type machine, that does our work for us. Now obviously this isn’t the terminator, Skynet doesn’t exist, and Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t coming after you with the intent to murder you; that being said, that could possibly happen, it is possible, anything is possible, all you have to do is try. AI has been around for quite sometime now, and we all think that it is the greatest thing ever, now yes I am being a hypocrite when I say AI is bad, because I use it everyday, it’s what helps me get my grades, it helps me make, and listen to music, but we shouldn’t get rid of AI completely, just downgrade a bit so that us humans do what we were created to do, work. Not many people actually like to do work, but we all want to work so that we can provide for ourselves,

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