
Internal And Social Factors : The Importance Of Participative Leadership

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• Participative leadership - When people participate in the decision process they become more ego-involved; the decisions made are in some part their own. Also, their peers know what is expected and the social pressure has a greater impact. This, motivation to perform will stem from internal and social factors as we'll as formal external ones. With participative leadership, I focus on mutual participation. I consult with my group, and I consider their ideas and expertise before making a decision. This approach works best when my team members are experienced, when the task is complex and challenging, and when my team members want to give me their input.
Weaknesses/Needs to Manage
• Supportive leadership - Managers should be alert to the critical need for supportive leadership under conditions where tasks are dissatisfying, frustrating or stressful to subordinates. Here, I focus on relationships. I show sensitivity to individual team members' needs, and I consider my team members' best interests. This leadership style is best when tasks are repetitive or stressful.
• I don’t always seek counsel, and have a difficult time accepting others opinions if it conflicts with mine. When we get to learn about others and respect our similarities and our differences, we get to learn so much more about the world and about ourselves and this helps us to grow spiritually, instead of stagnating. It also opens the doors to many other opportunities, be they friendships, work prospects, or

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