For this paper, my hypothetical group will be employees from my organizations that are coming together to either develop or purchase a new registration system that is user friendly. This registration is much needed and will also make the jobs of employees easier. The group will need to research three different companies and make a decision on one of them. This system will need to be user friendly, allowing for online registrations for students, and be able to track revenue and expenses. This group will be made up 7 people of the Assistant Director of the Division, Administrative Assistants from 3 different areas, a Program Manager, Operations Manager, and a facilitator from an outside division. These group members were selected …show more content…
The operations manager was selected to also provide input on what reports would be helpful and also give input on how room scheduling will be beneficial. I will be acting as an external facilitator. Although I am not external to the college, I am external to the division. I thought this was important because I will still have an understanding of what this division is its background and the college but I won’t be an added cost. For this group I will select a participative style of leadership. “Participative leadership is a managerial style that invites input from employees on all company decisions. The staff is given pertinent information regarding company issues, and a majority vote determines the course of action the company will take. Participative leadership can sometimes be a slower form of decision-making, but it has several advantages that may make it the right managerial method for your business.” (George N. Root III) I have selected this leadership style since I will have no decision making power. I will begin this facilitation process by focusing on the following things; Environment, Logistics and Room Arrangements and establishing ground Rules. Having a safe and comfortable environment is important for the members of the group. This will help the group members want to interact with each other and want to participate in the group. I will make sure that the locations are in known places. I will also rotate
A1. Leadership Style Upon conducting research, it is clear that the definition of “leadership” is not agreed upon. It is fluid, based upon many perceptions, situations, and surroundings. According to Robinson (2010), adopting a specific style of leadership is rather futile as it is, “contingent on the personal traits of the leader, the people being led, and the nature of the activity.” Tools are available to help guide potential leaders in determining a preferred style of leadership. For example, utilizing the “Leadership Self-Assessment
A leadership quiz offered by Psychology. (n.d.) 'What 's your leadership style? ' suggests that the writer demonstrates both Participative. Participative or Transformational Leadership is based on establishing interactions and
The group facilitator is responsible of interviewing all members to ensure that all members will benefit from the group sessions, and that no member with interfere with the overall goal of the session. The screening of group attendee must comply with the standard code of ethic listed in ACA Code of Ethic (2005) under A.8.a. Group Work. “Counselors screen prospective group/theory participant. To the extent possible, counselor select members whose needs and goals are compatible with the goals of the group, who will not impede the group process, and whose well-being will not be jeopardized by the group experience” (ACA, 2015). The screening and group selection process is just as important as it sets the basis for what the group will offer or assistance the participants. The intake process can offer opportunities to the counselor to be tempted to engage in unethical practices. Extended research must be conducted before selection process takes place. The assembling a group would knowingly support the hypothesis and offer a tainted validation of the data generated.
A psychologist, Kurt Lewin completed a research study in 1939 on the different types of leadership styles. He considered there to be three types of leaders, democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire. In this particular study, children were placed in each individual group and viewed on the distinctive styles as they completed arts and crafts. A democratic leader is one that views participation from the group as the main attribute to making decisions. This leadership is viewed as being the most effective way to be a leader and just so happened to be my results from the short quiz that was taken. “Participative leaders encourage group members to participate but retain the final say in the decision-making process” (Cherry, 2016, Participative Leadership (Democratic)). Allowing the group members to feel included initiates room for creativity and motivation from not only the leader but also the group as
Decisions need to be made before the group is put together. Groups go through stages. Knowing the stages of the group gives facilitators a chance to utilize suitable interventions. The first stage is the pregroup stage. Careful thought and planning goes into this stage to lay a solid foundation for the group. At this stage the group can be advertised, objectives are formed, membership is taken care of, rules are made, the time and place is chosen and the dynamics of the group is taken into consideration.
In order to evaluate my role within the group it is important to identify what makes a group. A group must
Leadership has many definitions, is multifaceted, and involves numerous aspects, such as identifying goals, providing support, inspiring and motivating people to act, and promoting the values of a group or organization (Giltinane, 2013). Some of the characteristics an effective leader possesses are honesty, creativity, emotional stability, energy, flexibility, conceptual skills, perseverance, and knowledge (Huber, 2014). Based on the Leadership Style Survey, my leadership style is determined to be participative, also referred to as democratic. This approach places emphasis on people, relationships, and teamwork. The leader shares responsibility by involving workers in group discussions and decision making, is able to recognize strengths and encourage workers
After meeting with the peer groups I would then meet with each and every staff member that I am either a primary or secondary evaluator for. The individual meetings with the staff are for soliciting perspective and input about the unit. After meeting with all the staff, I would meet with all the
I regard myself a participative leader. In the words of DuBrin (2008, p.348), "a participative leader is the one who shares decision making with group members." In the past, I have held various leadership positions. During those brief stints as a leader, I have found it prudent to consult widely before making decisions. In my opinion, it is by consulting widely that we make the most viable decisions. It is also by consulting widely that we motivate others to achieve set goals (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2011).
This chapter reviewed many different aspects of group work such as different processes and skills required to run several different groups. The groups discussed were open-ended group, groups hosted in residential settings, single-session groups, and large activity groups.
The key strengths of participative leadership style are increased productivity and job satisfaction. When employees are afforded an opportunity to be involved in the organization’s decision making process, they are likely to develop a strong sense of commitment to the organization as well as increase their performance. Job satisfaction is another key strength of this leadership style. Most employees display high levels of job satisfaction when they notice their suggestions and/or recommendations are taken seriously and in some instances implemented within the organization. Additionally, this
This phase of development is vital because it leads to a formation that meets members’ needs and the desired goal that participants can become invested in (Northen & Kurland, 2001). If the planning stage is done correctly, there are many advantages. There will be fewer dropouts and higher cohesion among group members (Northen & Kurland, 2001). This preparation provides the facilitator with confidence that allows them to participate fully in the group with no reservations (Northen & Kurland, 2001).
After taking the assessment, it was determined that my style is Participative. Participative leadership is Democratic and focuses on a collaborative effort from the team. Participative leaders rely on the team’s ideas and abilities instead of making all the decisions on their own (Murdock, K. 2014). Although the leader makes the final decision, the team has the freedom to contribute to decisions being made. Teamwork is an essential attribute for Participative leaders. As a Participative leader, you must possess the ability to set aside your ego, listen to the team, and give the team freedom to make their own decisions. In reviewing my results, I was not shocked by the fact that I as fit the mold of a Participative Leader. I’ve never been the type to rule with an Iron Fist. I don’t believe in a “my way or the Highway approach. I’m a collaborative individual and I rely heavily on the people around me to achieve a specific goal. Reason being,
Strategies and techniques t hat I would use in my leadership style of Participative Management would be as followed.
Determine the approach and leadership style with which you most identify and explain your reasons for your choice.