
Internal & External Sourcing Strategies Paper

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Running Head: Internal & External Sourcing Strategies

Internal & External Sourcing Strategies Paper

University of Phoenix

March 7, 2011

The decision whether and organization chooses to source internally or outsource depends on the overall need of the organization. Many of these goals reflect achieving high quality, low cost, on-time delivery, and satisfactory cooperation and from suppliers. The two main key factors that drive the decision to source internally or outsource is driven by the supply base structure and in customer to supplier relationships. Outsourcing since has become a more favored approach for most organizations. Studies show that last year companies within the United States spent about $29 billion on …show more content…

Examples of the hidden costs could be the social costs within and outside the company, contractual costs, and transition costs. There will always be risks associated with making important business decisions and strategies, although the company tries to remove them by human nature. The best solution is to always plan for the what-if situations and to have a back-up plan. Prepare contingency scenarios that provide security and less vulnerability to the company in future situations. To relinquish key information of the company's core business is to increase the probability that the supplier will use that information for its own interest. Monitoring and measurement of performance of vendors is a critical element of a successful outsourcing strategy. Strategies to lessen this risk include screening of suppliers, identification of best option, audits, determining adequacy, and contacting the customers for feedback. An important part of outsourcing strategy is the customer relationship that the company hopes to maintain after outsourcing and the ways to nurture that relationship. After all, most outsourcing strategies based only in cost reduction fail. This is particularly applicable for outsourcing a service, such a call center, repairs, ordering, or product installation. In some cases, the basic customer service tasks are also outsource. The first issue that arises

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