
International Happiness Day Presentation : Triton College Library

Decent Essays

Nayely Mendez
1-3 Triton College Library
4. Classical Music Performance
5. International Happiness Day Presentation

Triton College Library
I’ve been volunteering at the Triton College Library since my first semester at Triton. I’ve learned several things, both personally and practically.
I actually have past experience in volunteering at libraries. I used to volunteer at my high school’s library for 3 years. Because of that I had learned the Dewey Decimal system along with laminating and helping students with requests. Those skills really came in handy during my time volunteering. I have considered pursuing library studies to become a librarian, but ultimately decided it wasn’t for me. Nonetheless, I still enjoy volunteering …show more content…

Although I didn’t keep any because I didn’t want to hoard books like I had in high school, I skimmed through some of them and it’s amazing to think that these books had transcended tens of years. It made me wonder just how many people had held and read the book like I was at that moment, possible before I was even born.
The staff at the library are very kind and supporting. They were always willing to help me when I needed it. They even offered me snacks and even planned a small goodbye party in their break room with cupcakes and flowers they had bought for me. I was touched and very grateful that they had planned and gone through the effort to plan a party for me when I had only been with them a semester. I learned more about them personally this semester compared to last semester. They still say hi to me occasionally when I go to the library and usually ask how I am.
While I was helping out at the library, I realized just how many resources we have available to us students. I also noticed that most students didn’t even know about them, much less how to access them. We had numerous events such as a computer coding workshop (for people of all ages) which I would have gone to if it wasn’t for it being during one of my classes. I was also surprised to find that many of the librarians went to the events. One resource for example, is the online librarian chat where you can ask for help in finding sources, which was especially helpful

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